Idaho 69 moose


Active Member
Just wondered if anyone had a recommendation of which section of unit 69 (Idaho) would be the best to put in for a bull moose? I was wanting to put in for either 69-1, 69-2, or 69-3. I dont't know alot about moose in this area. I'am looking for a decent bull.(doesn't have to be a trophy just a nice one) Any ideas of what part of the unit would be best ?(access, hunter numbers, size of animals etc.) Thanks for your help
Hopefully Blank will reply he hunts those units a lot and knows what he is doing. If you are not after a trophy all of those will do as they have decent moose in them. The important part is working around private land. I am not sure which subunit has the most public. Do not worry about hunter numbers when I had my moose permit in the unit adjacent to 69 I saw a lot of moose when the general elk and deer hunts were on as they moved those bulls out of the timber.
My work schedule finally allowed me some time to get back to MM for a look-see. Send a PM with questions, and I will answer as best I can. Depending on your wants and wishes, there might be better units to look at.

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