
I've never been with a he/she before. I'd hit it!:) That's one sexy "used to be a man"...

A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend.
After having great sex ... She spent the next
hour just rubbing his testicles ...
Something she just loved to do.
As he was enjoying it, he turned and asked her,
"Why do you love doing that?"
Because ... She Replied ....
"I Really Miss Mine"

>A man was lying in bed
>with his new girlfriend.
>After having great sex ... She
>spent the next
>hour just rubbing his testicles ...
>Something she just loved to do.
>As he was enjoying it, he
>turned and asked her,
>"Why do you love doing that?"
>Because ... She Replied ....
>"I Really Miss Mine"

LMAO.. Gonna share that one.
It's Geddy Lee! (the singer from Rush for those of you under 40)

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Isn't that the witch lady in the pumpkin head movies??

On a serious note though if I chopped off my boys, turned myself into a woman, and had to listen to myself ##### all day long every day I'd probably wanna blow something up too!! Just sayin...


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