ID Unit 1-1 Moose


Active Member
I drew this tag and posted on the general hunting forum a couple months ago, just thought I'd refresh it. Wondering as to the type of hunt and quantity/quality of animals I can expect to see. Which part of the unit I might have the most success at a mature bull. Thanks.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-12-07 AT 10:10PM (MST)[p]We had fun last year in 1-1, I shot a 45" and my friend shot a 46". We came clear from NM to hunt and were amazed how thick the cover was, I am glad we didn't bring horses. You will see lot's of people in the woods....elk hunters, grouse hunters, bear hunters, moose hunters, wood choppers, pilgrims etc. We just kept talking to people until we found moose, ended up voice calling them in...great fun, not quite like a NM bull elk but still very cool. I posted pictures of the moose on this forum I think under "rookie moose success". Ask the folks on the few logging roads what they have seen and have fun, Mike
Sounds like fun. I'm hoping for a 40" or better. I'm planning on a backpack type hunt. Which side of priest lake did you guys hunt? Were the moose pretty far in? miles? Did you guys take day trips in from a trailhead and spend the nights at the campground? Thanks for the info!
Honestly, there really isn't any realestate in that unit that doesn't hold moose. You will find more backpack oppurtunities on the east side of Priest, or up North. Neat thing about the unit is how much of it is closed off(roads) due to the grizz action. I always had the thought that the farther north you go, the bigger the moose. Any of the unit is good though.

Hey Zia....any NM elk hunting tips. I drew 16D for elk this year, third season? Whats the terrain like, etc?

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