ID on-line survey



IDFG is asking for input on several issues: a proposed bonus point system; Landowner Appreciation Program rules; upland game regulations; and some miscellaneous rules, including use of sabots for muzzleloader seasons.

The link is:

There are also several open houses or public meetings scheduled around the state (see

As always, input on these issues is very important to agency recommendations to the Commission and the Commission members as they deliberate rule changes.

Tom Keegan
IDFG Salmon Region Wildlife Manager
Tom - Thanks! It's nice to see a state wildlife manager on the site. I wish more managers would do the same to help spread the word on important issues.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-10 AT 12:22PM (MST)[p]I forgot to note that this survey has a fairly short window. Responses are needed by the end of the month (June).

Tom Keegan
IDFG Salmon Region Wildlife Manager
Done. The only thing a point system will do for me is keep me and my money out of Idaho yearly. This year I hunted Idaho 4 different times.

>Done. The only thing a
>point system will do for
>me is keep me and
>my money out of Idaho

That makes sense! You show them HK, that dumb idea will probably hurt the hunting so bad that why would anyone want to hunt there ever again.
Huh? You might want to read what you wrote Moosey, because you're the one who makes no sense. It is pretty simple really. If one has to draw a tag instead of having an OTC tag in a marginal state, why would you spend money on points. ie Oregon. If OTC goes away in ID, my money will go to other states and/or just stay in OR. To spend point $ on marginal states just makes no sense to me.

>If one has to draw
>a tag instead of having
>an OTC tag in a
>marginal state, why would you
>spend money on points.
>ie Oregon. If OTC goes
>away in ID, my money
>will go to other states
>and/or just stay in OR.
Either you have been given some wrong info, or you are one of the ones spreading the bad info!
Idaho is not, and has not ever said they are doing away with OTC tags. You will still be able to apply for a controlled hunt and get an OTC tag, and after Aug. 30 even get an OTC tag for a second tag just like it is now.
And there are some folks still trying to scare people into beliving that you will only draw a controlled hunt tag in Idaho once or twice in your lifetime. First of all its a "Bonus" point not a "Preference" point system they are doing. In a bonus point system the more points you have the better your odds are at drawing where the other system you must have a certain # of points or higher to draw. You will still have a chance to draw any tag with little or no points (your odds will just be worse than someone with more points). Secondly if you are talking about some of the harder to draw units i.e Elk 40,54,66A early or deer 40,44,45,54L,or some of the other late deer tags that have draw odds around 2-4% with the current system than you are right, they will most likly continue to be OIL tags. And the tags that have better drawing odds will not get that much worse, especially for residents because if you hunt your most likely going to already be putting in for your own state. And the non-res point hounds jumping in will mostly be putting in for the already very hard to draw units.
This Bonus point system will not alter our hunting in Idaho as dramatically as you Chicken Littles try to make it seem.
If anything it will bring in more non-res $$ and allow the F&G to start doing what is right for our herds instead of their bottom line.
Moosey, I think you have it all bassakwards. The ONLY thing IDFG cares about is the bottom line$$$. This is purely designed to generate $$$$. They want my license fee every year no matter what. They want an application fee every year no matter what. They want my money. If you think they will keep this point system limited to "the hard to get" units you are mistaken. Every year Oregon adds Controlled hunts to the Synopsis. If you think OTC is going to grow or stay the same, you are sadly wrong. It is all about money. OTC will go away. This is becoming a rich mans game more and more every day and that is what pisses me off.

How about IDFG doing their job and not sticking it to us average Joes. I feel the same about ODFW. I'm sick of paying for the lack of ability to manage the game in these states. Where does the Million$$$$$$ go. I know the wolf situation very well. Oregon doesn't have it that bad yet and ODFW is now charging DOUBLE the cost for NR to apply in this state. You think IDFG is different? It is ALL about money.

If you think anything other than IDFG is reaching for the CASH point system, then you are again wrong. People don't want to pay for a point. People don't want to pay for a license in hopes they might draw. I don't apply for controlled hunts in ID, but I do hunt OTC and that is all I will ever do.

Thanks for explaining your side and not being an arss. I hope you understand mine.

Moosey and HK I think you both make great points and are both right.

I think in the short term what moosey says is accurate and in the long term HK is righton.

OTC tags are fading fast and will be gone soon , there is just too much money in the draw systems.

The thing is it doesn't make a bit of difference what the public thinks they will just do what they want so if it can be slowed or swayed in a direction that fits what is preferred then great but a point system is coming to ID and there is nothing to do except hope they adopt a fair workable model.

I hope I am just being a chicken little and the ID residents get what they want as it seems they want it to stay lottery. I don't care either way I like the bonus point system but it seems the resident hunters don't and they should decide IMO.

There is a long interesting discussion over on Personally I'm in favor of a point system. To please everyone why dont they allocate half the tags to the point system, and the other half to the current lottery system? Wyoming already has a similar system with 75% toward the point draw and 25% to the random. Also I'd prefer the state not allow folks to accumulate points for multiple species.
What Idaho really needs is a designated non-resident quota for moose, sheep, and goat. Without it, a point system will not mean a thing for improving odds for the non-residents. It will just be another way to gouge more money.
A final note that the on-line survey is scheduled to close 30 June.

Tom Keegan
IDFG Salmon Region Wildlife Manager

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