ID Bighorn/Domestic Sheep Disease Transmission Data Held Back?

rocky barker is a inept twit. the group of jack booted thugs who he supports is nothing more than a bunch of "bamboozling vandals ",they do not care about wildlife they care only about control of people and destroying our heritage of the outdoors and building million dollar mansions in custer county at the expense of every idahon.when will you people wake up !!!explain to me what western watersheds has done (productive -wise ) thought so ,jon marvel is nothing more blythe on idaho. they are affilated with the biggest group of racist ,hate mongering people in the U.S and they get thier marching orders (and money )from the east coast (this website will help )we can fight til were blue in the face but is not part of the focus for these people.control control control .

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