ID -- Appointee Rejected


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 06:47AM (MST)[p]

Idaho Fish and Game Appointee Rejected for
Lack of Hunting Experience

Idaho Governor Butch Otter tapped Joan Hurlock for a seat on the state?s Fish and Game Commission roughly eight months ago to succeed the outgoing Dr. Wayne Wright. The move garnered the approval of all seven members on the selection panel.

According to The Idaho Statesman, Hurlock is a lifetime NRA member, a former cop and supporter of Ducks Unlimited. Her father was a California game warden and she had taught her children how to fish. Along with being the second woman to ever serve in the state commission, she also has plans to increase youth activities in the outdoors. So why has she been rejected from the post by a 19-16 vote in the state senate?

Opponents cite a lack of hunting in her life.

?This lady is not qualified,? said Senator Jeff Siddoway (R-Terreton). ?She admitted to us that she wasn?t a fisherman and that she had hunted once in her life and shot two whistlepigs. The passion that she has for hunting and fishing in Idaho is not there.?

It is true that she applied for only a handful of permits in the past decade or so. Hurlock acquired hunting licenses in 1999 and 2000 with a fishing license later on in 2003. Then last year she showed a renewed interest with multiple licences. This nine-year gap had her opponents worried that she lacked the necessary experience for the role. Other detractors worry that Hurlock wouldn't place as high of an emphasis on hunting and fishing than someone who is an enthusiastic hunter and angler.

Hurlock?s supporters argue that hunting experience is not the only criteria for a nominee. Both Governor Otter and fellow senators praised Hurlock for her efforts in getting children outdoors and involved with hunting and fishing. Others say that Hurlock?s perspective as an outdoorswoman is greatly needed in driving the focus onto conservation, research and increasing license sales.

In the end it was not enough. A despondent Hurlock accepted the decision earlier this week after her testimony before the senate.

?I have fished throughout my life,? she told Associated Press. ?I didn't know I needed to keep an attendance record.?

The last rejection of a governor-appointed Fish and Game nominee was Robert Thomas back in 1974.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
It's hard to fight for something when you know nothing about it. I suspect she would not have been in the sport hunter's corner.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]Zeke--I'm surprised you made a post like that without knowing more on the subject! I've been following this over on the OYOA website and it was all political and led by Senator Siddoway, who owns more than 400,000 acres and is very poorly thought of by most hunters in that state. With the acreage he owns he has a very big self interest in the wrong things from what I have gathered on the subject.
?I have fished throughout my life,? she told Associated Press. ?I didn't know I needed to keep an attendance record.?
Yup, it's called a license asshat!

If she's been fishing her whole life without "keeping attendance" then she's been fishing illegally?!

Traditional >>>------->
>AT 09:27?AM (MST)

>Zeke--I'm surprised you made a post
>like that without knowing more
>on the subject! I've
>been following this over on
>the OYOA website and it
>was all political and led
>by Senator Siddoway, who owns
>more than 400,000 acres and
>is very poorly thought of
>by most hunters in that
>state. With the acreage
>he owns he has a
>very big self interest in
>the wrong things from what
>I have gathered on the

You're right. I've not been following it, but in my defence, I think we already have too many people involved in hunting management who have little to no experience and lack the passion for hunting. This would make them less than willing to really fight for the hunters!
Be that right or wrong, I still have an opinion.

TOPTROLLIE, you let that old kimono slip open there, again. Your leaking bias like a rotten hip-wader.
I know Siddoway very well.
He is a HUGE Potatoe farmer, and LOVES hunting and the outdoors.
He has a large private elk herd, and at one time allowed people to buy hunts on the land.
He is NOT thought poorly of by hunters. Maybe jealous hunters that do not like the fact that he is wealthy.

Keep in mind, he has been voted into office by: Hunter, and farmers...that is about all there is in Jefferson County.
By the way, where I was born and raised.

I applaud the vote. It shows we live in a free country.
Thanks for the info Mike.
I always respect your opinions.

Good luck in the drawings and we'll be in touch.

What a novel concept that someone on the wildlife commission actually have real field experience.

Someone ought to send this to Gov. Brian Sandoval down in NV. See who they appointed? What a joke that was.
Link to the article about NV's new appointee:

Nevada's stray dogs and cats now have a voice on the wildlife commission board.
...and remember to keep your pets spade and neutered!
It's nice to see Idaho have such strict requirements. In Wyoming you don't have to be a hunter to be a Commissioner on the G&F Board. They are mostly ranchers. I'm not sure there is currently a Commissioner that is a hunter on the board.
>I know Siddoway very well.
>He is a HUGE Potatoe farmer,
>and LOVES hunting and the
>He has a large private elk
>herd, and at one time
>allowed people to buy hunts
>on the land.
>He is NOT thought poorly of
>by hunters. Maybe jealous hunters
>that do not like the
>fact that he is wealthy.
>Keep in mind, he has been
>voted into office by: Hunter,
>and farmers...that is about all
>there is in Jefferson County.
>By the way, where I was
>born and raised.
>I applaud the vote. It shows
>we live in a free

You forget to mention his high fence hunting ranch, his introduction of the wolf bill that could have led to the state losing control of wolves, his support for privatising land owner tags for profit sale while continuing to reduce NR tags. I am an Idaho hunter and although I saw some issues with the appointee I have much bigger issues with him and his SFW cronies trying to run F&G.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]6speed---Thanks for your post telling it like it is up there and that's exactly what I've gathered by keeping up on Idaho on the other website I mentioned. The overall consensus by those in the know up that way are expressing the same sentiments you just posted. I didn't want to be negative and throw in the SFW initials along with Siddoway in my post because I know Zeke and I don't see eye to eye on that organization's leadership. As far as the post by averagejoehunter, he can stick it where the sun don't shine as I haven't seen a single post of his on this site yet that isn't a trolling or smartazz comment!
POTATOGUN, your so fricken predictable, wave a $fw flag and your crap'en through your thong quicker than flys on stink.

Your a Sfw troll or I'm your mother's father. Your for the same damnable agenda as Sfw is. You stick your non-resident nose in everybody's business as if we give a ratsazz what you think or what your meddling mouth has to do with one damn thing outside your own screwed up back yard. You want to cross that river and haul our sh!t home and act like your entitled to it, cuz you by Gawd, got an agenda of your own. That makes you the fricken same as anyone or any org like the $fw, MDF, RMEF dipsh!ts that want to run my back yard there way.

It's the same sh!t, TOPFLOP, just your version of it. You want to hunt out here, come on over, your welcome. You want to control our world to suit you, you get to kiss my azz. You got no more right to tell us what to do than $fw has. Your wanting your philosophy in every State, just like the rest of these basturds. Just because you think your is different doesn't make it one lick better.

What's more, I don't have time to track your every stinking burp, every minute of every day, but I will call you out at my leisure, get used to, as long as you put our your sh!t, I'll put out mine, count on it. That's all I'm interested in TOPSQUAT, your a $fw trollie-o, clear as day!
He did have a large private elk herd, and charged some good coin for hunting it.
Do you all remember when he had a group of elk get loose...OOPS.

I go back to this, the locals voted him in office. He is not hated in the area for sure.

He is outspoken, and works to get things done that is for sure.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 10:10PM (MST)[p]Those of us in his voting block evidently don't think to poorly of him as he wins by overwhelming margins. And he did spend a number of years on the wildlife commision before he became our Senator. So I would have to say he does have a clue!

He still does have a high fence hunting operation, Rex Rammells elk are the herd that escaped.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-13 AT 10:57PM (MST)[p]I am glad to see that there is politicians in Idaho that feels strongly about their hunting to the point of wanting people on their wildlife board that has hunting or fishing at heart.

Just the very reverse of what happen here in CA. Our president of the Fish and Game, now Fish and Wildlife Board went on a legal out of state cougar hunt and was kicked off the board by panty waist liberal politicians. Who listened to the anti hunting crowd that was upset over him shooting a cougar. Did not matter to them that it was a legal hunt in a state that allows cougar hunting.

I am suprised by who led the charge, I can't stand Siddoway, his arrogance, or his track record of closing off some of the prime winter range for his private hunt ranch, which is his right, as he is the owner but to me highly indicative of his "care" for wildlife... which also includes the Bighorn debacle and helping push through that legislation. Which is a kill policy for coming into contact with his very own sheep or other ranchers. Then pushing the landowner tags so we can be like good ole Utah. Wonder who would benefit from that? Tags based on acreage? He is not liked by a large number of people who he represents. I have spoke to him in person and asked that concerns be addressed and or why he has a particular stance that opposes wildlife (Bighorn) just a smile.. and the slick willy handshake no answers. Not once on any issue has he bothered to respond to an email that I have sent over many years and issues related to wildlife. Rep Joan Woods is the best rep we have and the former Rep Lenore Berrett, in regards to representing sportsmen but alas political gerry mandering has split and removed her and given us an unknown in Paul Romreil. We should know from Washington DC that picking up a shotgun and shouldering it in a photo op does not a sportsman make. My experience.. my Opinion. RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
Then the majority of voters in his area must not be hunters or the voters that dislike him must not be as large as you think or nearly large enough as he wins his elections with ease. Is he perfect, no, but tell me who is. As for fencing off HIS land for a hunting operation more power to him. Why don't you all move out of the winter ranges you built your houses on a little further south of his high fence. Lots of guilt to go around!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 01:42AM (MST)[p] TAGS BASED ON ACERAGE. This is an absolute slap in the face to any hunter who wants to draw a tag in Idaho. The L.A.P. program is a highly abused system and needs to be abolished. It will never happen when the people who make the legislation have so much to loose from this happening. Give these a-holes antlerless tags and see how many they sell or even want for that matter. Would Siddoway vote for this? Would he give up all his yearly tags so his fellow sporstmen have a better chance to draw one?

Also, a whistle pig is not a rockchuck. Theres a BIG difference.
The demographics, He is a large wealthy landowner in a county of large wealthy landowners, who are also part of a good ole boy club. And yes the majority of them do not hunt, could care less about hunting till dollar signs are involved, and prefer to eat their own beef or mutton. I am well acquainted with who I live and work with and also who is in the hunting community by and large and I am involved in local politics. It is just like our last Sheriff's race alot like him alot didn't but the voter apathy is pathetic and we got the same guy again. If you have a big R as your party In E Idaho and like Crapo Simm's and the rest and managed to get in the first time you will get multiple trips to Boise. I stated why I dislike him and why I feel he is no friend to sportmen. As far as my house or countywide on winter range good one.... we are the smallest populated county south of him.... and our game is year round non migratory herds. Our big B neighbors however are another thing. I did address that it was HIS land and HIS perogative highly disingenuous as it is. This is a political thread, he is a political representative. Whether he or I or anyone is perfect is irrelevant, As is feeling guilty of anything. He is supposed to listen and represent his constituency. That is where alot of the dislike among sportsmen comes from. Two sides to every coin, but generating bills that will benefit the politician in personal or business life i realize is staple among modern statesmen but unsavory. There are many who feel the same way.. Most who support him as stated have no dog in the fight. So with that there is nothing mistaken in what I have seen, in my experience. My good family friend Bowhunt who I grew up and share relatives with has the opposing view in his experience in the same community. To each their own.. RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]You're right there's 2 sides of the coin, I do know plenty of hunters that cast their vote for him, as I'm 4th generation in the area and am well in tune with folks I live, work and hunt with. As far as non-migratory herds, that may be true, but that if not for the population living there these herds would migrate south alot further.You seem to imply that few people live between his high fence and Rexburg or IF. As far as land use, it sounds like sour grapes to me.

It would be easy to put an "R" by your name and run as our Senator, I will be looking foward to what you have to say in the next election cycle!!!
The easiest way to see who is what will be to see who Siddoway supports. Anyone want to give me odds on whether or not his supported member will have a SFW t-shirt? Sorry boys but a memeber who is anti hunting, and a SFW member who is only for the wealthiest hunting, BOTH end hunting for 99% of us. Perhaps I am unpatriotic, but I won't be falling on my sword to protect the rights of that 1%

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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