I wonder?



I was reading in the book of Revelations, and saw this in a different way...

Rev 6: 6 I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of heaven. It said, "A ration of wheat costs a day's pay, and three rations of barley cost a day's pay. But do not damage the oil or the wine."

Oil has tah be the most important commodity today?
If a ration of wheat cost a days pay you need a better job, or I need more money for wheat.
the focus is the oil and the importance of it in these days...the wheat will catch up later...

With the oil being tinkered with,
are you saying that we're headed
for Revelations...........

Quicker than some thought, I'm asking.

?? lrv ??
>With the oil being tinkered with,
>are you saying that we're headed
>for Revelations...........
>Quicker than some thought, I'm asking.
>?? lrv ??

I always thought the oil mentioned in this verse was something else, I'm just wondering if it ain't the oil under ground or in the refineries?...
Guess i need to stop drinking beer and start drinking wine.
Price of wheat has gone up 5x in the past 1 to 1 1/2 years. With oil out of control and the world near panic mode for food, look out.
>Price of wheat has gone up
>5x in the past 1
>to 1 1/2 years.
>With oil out of control
>and the world near panic
>mode for food, look out.

thats my point...thanks

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