I was warned!!!


Long Time Member
Hunted the chukar opener in Nevada this past weekend. Saturday-4 hours behind my ole dog and 2 hours behind my new one. Heard 2 chukar and saw 0! Sunday I hunted both dogs for 4+ hours and saw 4 birds that flushed wild. Got each of them up again and never got a shot. Talked to several other hunters and some had worse experences then I did. This occurred north of Gerlach.

Moved to north of Battle Mountain monday figuring the further east, the more moisture they got this spring.

Tues morn I had a pair flush wild early, a covey of about 15 flush 200 yards wild and got into a 7-8 bird covey, taking 2. Felt guilty, packed up and left. gonna hunt the Kali opener this weekend and if its the same, guess I'll keep the dogs busy with quail and dust off my waterfowl equipment. Haven't bought duck stamps for 3 years with the great chukar hatches lately but will get back into the public land waterfowl game if I have to.

Figure the pheasant hatch was as bad but I'll give that a try too if I get back from Colorado deer hunt in time.

Curious if others have had simular experences????
we will being heading up to our spot around gerlach next weekend will let you know how it goes. When we were deer hunting out by elko though we pushed 3 coveys 10+ birds, one bunch flew at 20yrds the others at about 50 and we were just hiking near the ridge glassin. have never hunted duck, geese, or pheasant but hoping to give at least one of them a try this year.

We did head up this week onto peavine mount. for quail but didn't see a damn thing, i think the weather messed it up though, cause my buddy hikes that canyon with his dog all the time and there is always birds in there, i even saw them a few times when we were headin up to break some clays. anyway well let you know what we find.
Chukar hunting is definately not as good as it has been in the last couple years but that sounds nothing like my opening day. We went to Elko and knocked 'em dead. We even found a couple nest sites. I found that the only spots worth hunting are spots with spring and creeks because the birds have some green-up to eat. Guzzlers are a waist of time. Good Luck.
just heard from a friend of mine he was with or ran into a total of 20 hunters they had only 5 birds between them (out by gerlach). that is bad news. thanks for the advice ckc
Talked to a couple of different guys that had #10 archery and saw good amount of birds during their deer hunts. I almost went that far east but know the B. M. area better.

Kali tomorrow. Several friends that hunted antelope saw chukar. Expecting lesser #'s than the last few years but at least huntable populations. Rained all day today so some may stay home.

Not that this helps but I have chuckars all around my place at Kona. Of course I can't hunt them at the house but game birds seem to be thick upcountry. No coyotes, Mt lions or etc.
The beach bunny hunting is awesome also.

There is just one more reason to move to Hawaii :D
My buddy and I hunted about 4 hours up north of gerlach and we got 4 birds between us. We saw 2 big coveys (10-15 birds) one flushed well outta range, we managed to take one from the other (would have been more but we needed to be re-educated about trusting the dog cause he was birdy but we called him off cause he couldn't locate them, damn swirly canyon winds. then we walked into the covey and bout fell over trying to get some shots off at them) the other birds came from a splinter covey of three we jumped at the base of some rim rock. there was bundles of sign and we heard about people seeing lots of birds but everyone says they are flushing way early. all the birds we took were older, that just ups the anty. Hope you have some luck on your next go round
yeah, well kinda. we have been out a total of 7 days and have not seen or herd any chukar! plus we dont have a dog so it is a lot harder do you have any suggestions on where or what to do?
timber heres a suggestion those things that hang off of your body oh yea there called leggs well use them maybe?
Got 22 so far. Gave up till after turkey day. Sitting round the house on Fri, making plans for fishing Eagle the next day. Dog looked depressed, I felt fat so i said what the heii? Gonna do it if only for the exercise. Came home with 6 chukar and 7 quail. Been out at least on day every week since. Nev/Kali border. That was my best day but it's been steady, 2-4 birds most days. Got a German Wirehair pup on the 23rd. Got really lucky on the litter too.

Buddy runs vislas and his wife is a dog groomer, told me about the litter. I gave a deposit @ 3 weeks old knowing I had 4th pick of 6 females. Owner felt the dog I got was the best but too much dog for him. Picks 2 and 3 were friends of the breeder who didn't leave deposits. They bailed when it was time to pick cause of Christmas/$$$. I got second pick and the breeder, dog groomer and i all feel my female will be the best hunter. Got her on the 23rd and she's potty trained on #2 already (4days), #1 if I take outside regularly. Birdy as heii too. High hopes at this point.
well good luck man, there is nothing more rewarding then getting to train a dog then having the pleasure to see it all come together in the field. also been out a couple of times but goose eggs so far, mostly been bad weather when i can go and the birds are flying at 70+ yards feel like i am letting the dog down cause he gets his job done i just can't close the deal.
My dog is gonna be 12 in Feb. Thought last year was it for her but shes still doing it. :)

If the pup is as good as her, I'm sure I'll take 1500+ birds over her. Focused on waterfowl first few years I had the old one when I should have been following her around. Already planning a S. Dakota pheasant trip for 09. This pup WILL get the opportunity to get out 25-30 times a year during her life.

Good luck the rest of the season. Headed out @ 5:00 AM to chase-em again. Inch of snow yesterday, another inch today, cold temps, perfect!!
One thing is for sure about 2008 chukar hunting. Moisture, or the lack of it, won't be a problem in California or Nevada. We're getting really pounded with another storm as I write this. Supposed to snow 2-4' tonight up near Tahoe.
Yeah it will be a short term lose and a long term gain with the snow storms being spread out like they have been around the Reno/Tahoe area.

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