I was attacked


Long Time Member
I don't know what it was but it was at night. I could feel this weird sensation come about me. The hair on the back of my neck begin to stand on end. All of a sudden I could feel this preasure on my face! Trying to look to see what it was but I couldn't see anything but I could feel this force of distortion on my face. I did manage to get to my truck and made it home safe. Not sure what it was my face had no marks . What ever it was it was invisible! My daughter said it was probably the wind.

Hopefully it wasn't the dreaded ether bunny.....

"Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints"
>Maybe you escaped the Mad Tea

Lmao! +1

Sounds like you walked into a glass sliding door while sneaking out of someones house in the dark.

I have never had anything like that happen... just sayin
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-10 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]Dude if your serious and not making a joke and this really did happen to you, then I will tell you what happened to you, I've had that experience many time, some times they were positive and some time it was a negative force.

Due to the childish nature of some here, I sent you a PM.

well your PM box is in-active o,well
"Due to the childish nature of some here, I sent you a PM."

Manny.... Childish nature????...... Here?????? Say it ain't so .... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-10 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-10
>AT 10:41?AM (MST)

>Dude if your serious and not
>making a joke and this
>really did happen to you,
>then I will tell you
>what happened to you, I've
>had that experience many time,
>some times they were positive
>and some time it was
>a negative force.
>Due to the childish nature of
>some here, I sent you
>a PM.
>well your PM box is in-active

LMAO... He's Baaaaack


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Maybe some reaction to that Cheap Refer you get from them Illegal workers on the construction crews you have to deal with??

So very glad you lived thru it Kelly--- to be able to post and ask for advice here on M&M.


I was on an LP many many years ago, and fell asleep on duty, should of been shot for letting my friends down, when I awoke to a cool forehead, and when I touched my forhead, there was
a french foriegn coin, I was later told, don't know if thats true or if france even has coins.

I has been in my dreams , that reocures to me every few months, and has for over 40 years.

As you can imagine, I have thought of most every possible answer over my adult lifetime.

No I do not still have the coin, when I found it, as we said back then, freaked me the f--k out, big time.

I doubt I will ever live long enough to ever forget that night and the cool coin.

Well, I hope you're OK now Rutnbuck. I hope it wasn't some kind of medical condition.(seriously).


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