I want to kill a WOLF - contact Congress TODAY


The current budget deal will be passed this week (by 4/15/2011). The latest I have heard is that the Tester/Simpson wolf delisting rider will be in the bill. Please call or email immediately and urge these power players as well as your Senators and Representatives to support the wolf delisting rider.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Max Baucus

John Tester

Mike Simpson

The anti hunting community and environmentalists are already pounding the phone lines trying to get this out.

While it's not the BEST option for delisting, it will have a huge impact in Idaho and Montana, and is a good starting point. Please help me be able to get a wolf tag this fall!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-11 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]In response to Fedup's statement:

No,it wasn't. Their best case scenario was turned down by Molloy today. Having him reverse his ruling, and this Bill being pulled would have been the best thing they could have hoped for. So much for that.

Don't let a little thing like facts get in your way. Laffin!

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-11 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-11 AT 04:20?PM (MST)

Ok the second best scenerio for you and your friends. Any bets on how many days it takes them to find a new judge? Yes i'm aware of the "no lawsuit provisions" of the Tester legislation. We'll see how that works out for "you". By you I don't mean 4100fps because he is getting almost exactly what he wants. Divide and conquer its how the enviro's win, every time, every issue. Its looking like they will win another round.
Feduptwo stated: "I doubt the enviro's are fighting this very hard. This is their best case scenario. "

Doubt it all you want. Like many who tried to hide the fact they were trying to kill this Simpson-Tester language, the wolf nuts are out of ammo. They are screaming like crazy.

Hell, they screamed and yelled almost as loud those in the SFW/BGF world who worked to see this die. Not quite as loud, but almost as loud.

If you think this is the best case scenario for the wolf nut plaintiffs, have at it. Those of us who supported this bill and the progress is represents are going wolf hunting. You?

Can you imagine if you were a person or group who had claimed to represent hunters, took their money, then lobbied to kill this wolf delisting opportunity?

Simpson-Tester would be your worst case scenario, as now everyone knows you used hunter money in efforts to kill the Simpson-Tester language, and that puts you on the same side of the bet as the wolf lovers. A bad place to be, if the public found out what you were up to.

Amazing to see some hunters taking the same position as wolf lovers when it comes to wolf delisting opportunities. Free country, so knock yourself out.

Probably expected that people who took actions to kill this bill, are worried that it has now come to light that they had set up camp with the wolf lovers, and as such, they would try to make it out as something bad.

Regardless of how you feel about the outcome, the history of the last six months is not in questions.

90%+ of hunters supported it. A few fringe hunter groups fought against it. The wolf lovers fought against it.

Sad, but true.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Hunter Harry posted:

>"Please help me be able to
>get a wolf tag this
>fall! "
>I want one too!

Harry, you got my contact. I can help you with that. I know where a lot of them are hanging out.

I think it would make a great addition to your trophy room.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I built a new rifle last spring just for an opprotunity to hunt Montana last fall. Then they cancelled the hunts. I hope they open it back up this year, I'll have a tag in hand for sure.
This subject is the only issue I can stand the sight of Harry Reid...

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson
The link provided didn't work for me. However, when I checked the Defender's of Wildlife website the banner headline was "Stop Anti-Wolf Legislation in the Senate". The Defenders of Wildlife are claiming that the legislation is "an extremist anti-wildlife agenda that threatens the future of our wolf". That last sentence is a mouthful. The only anti-wildlife agenda is the continuing of the status quo which results in the total destruction of ungulate populations. These eco-elites call them "our wolves". They are only your wolves, if they are in your state. But I doubt they are. BigFin is right again, but time will pass slowly for the next few days. I am sorry BigFin, but the fact Testor and Baucus are still involved makes me a bit nervous about the outcome. Perhaps, the big eco-elite Senators Barbara Boxer and Ben Cardon will be too busy trying to save Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS to worry about this rider. Although this legislation may directly do little for my state (Wyoming), it will be great to see Montana and Idaho stick it to these eco-elites. If the Simpson/Testor/Baucus legislation makes it through, I am hoping continued pressure is maintained for total delisting nationwide. I am guessing that 2012 may be the year for that.
Mightyhunter - No doubt we must keep the pressure on the Senate this week. Anyone who knows the connection of former Baucus staff to this debacle, knows that we must be vigilant.

Plain old bare knuckle politics tells me that they are not going to pull the rug on Tester over this deal. If the Dems want to keep his seat in the 2012 election, they better give him this one. It is that simple.

Given they have a slim majority and the money they are already allocating to the MT Senate race, I think they are going to give him this victory. It will provide more progress for his Senate race than all the money they might be willing to spend in Montana. I guess it is in their own self-serving interest to do keep it in there, and if history is any indicator, self-service is a hallmark of DC politics.

Given how power and majority control make those in DC do things they normally would not do, I think continued pressure on the Senators will make this get in there, the way it is currently written.

Anyone who wants to see the first step in running the scoundrels off the field, would be well served to contact their Senator and tell them to keep the Simpson-Tester language in there, as written.

If I lived in OR, WA, UT, CO, NV, WY, or the Great Lakes states it seems Simpson-Tester language would be a good start to the offensive position you will need, as it helps with the battles that are coming your way. It is hopefully a great first step to get this process done in all states, just as mightyhunter mentions.

If you want to contact your Senator, here is the link to do so. We all know the wolf nuts are hammering them right now, so weighing in to counter the wolf nut comments is helpful.


Still lots of work to do, if this passes, but the redcoats are on the run.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Big fin,

First, I was never hiding the fact that I wanted to see the Tester legislation killed. Divide and Conquer sportsmen will never learn.
The Tester legislation is the best scenerio for the "wolf nut plantiffs" because it still allows them to penetrate wolves into all the other states affected, and doesn't even really give a solution to Montanas and Idaho's problem. They may loose this battle but with the help of weak legislation with no back bone the've gone a long way to winning the war.
It amazes me that you state that "some hunters have taken the same position as wolf lovers". I happen to know that a large % of enviromental groups involved in the orginal lawsuit have taken the same stance as you guys that support this garbage because they know its the best they can do.
I like the numbers you pulled out of your hat about 90% of hunters supporting this legislation. Must of been a poll out of Bozeman? SFW, BGF, MDF, and RMEF were still supporting a real solution last time I checked. The only guys supporting the Tester legislaiton are the SFW haters, and some of the guys from Montana who can't see the mountain through the fog.
Thanks to this legislation we'll be able to have these lively posts for years to come. I sure hope in two yrs your telling Me we told you so. Unfortunatly I'm afraid it will be the other way around. Maybe then we can get some real solutions to this problem. Nevermind the enviro's or the Senators they control will find another way to divide and conquer the sad thing is we will probably fall for it again, lol.
The proposed settelement between the twelve enviromental groups sounds alot like the Tester legislation. You know like "responsible state management for ID, and MT while backdooring Oregon and Washington". What they meant to say is Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming.
I also like the terms "critical safety net" a term no doubt created by Bacus, Tester, and simpson or their puppet masters.
The other one I like is "rigourous scientific monitorng". It reminds me a lot of the peer review of Wyoming's plan, where 11 of the 12 "wolf experts" agreed that Wyoming's plan would provide proper protection. Oh the memories.
I included the the press release for you all to enjoy. This is from the same groups that big fin says are upset about the Tester legislation.
Did I already mention divide and conquer.

"We hope today's agreement will mark the beginning of a new era of wolf conservation in the Northern Rockies, as well as confirm the success of the Endangered Species Act and this country's boldest wildlife reintroduction effort in history. The proposed settlement maintains protections in Oregon and Washington where wolves have not yet fully recovered, while allowing for responsible state management in Idaho and Montana.

"In return for allowing the states of Montana and Idaho to manage wolves according to approved conservation plans, the Department of the Interior agrees to conduct rigorous scientific monitoring of wolf populations across the region and an independent scientific review by an expert advisory board after three years. This is a critical safety net to ensure a sustainable wolf population in the region over the long run. The settlement offers a workable solution to the increasingly polarized debate over wolves
BigFin and feduptwo both raise excellent points. The back and forth is good and helps people understand the depth of the problem. Really, only time will tell if the Testor/Simpson/Baucus rider will 1)get through, and 2) if it will accomplish what Idaho and Montana hope it will. It is a win, but the actual size of the win can only be determined down the road. I believe that BigFin knows that this is not the end of the wolf battles. He is a realist and knows what he is talking about. Continued pressure will need to be applied in every avenue. Wyoming is still in a good position to force the predator zone issue. Federal District Court Judge Johnson upheld that view and the Feds didn't appeal it. The passage of the Testor/Simpson rider will only solidify Wyoming's position on delisting.
HR 509 and S 249 might pass if they were attached to some other goody that the Democratic Party wants more. The Testor/Simpson rider is proof of that fact. Many politicians will need political cover if they go along with a total delisting of the wolf. Attaching it to something else that provides that cover is extremely important. We have a debt ceiling debate coming up and also the 2012 budget battles are just around the corner. Standing alone, HR 509 and S249 likely can't pass unless someone can figure out how to get around Barbara Boxer and Ben Cardon in the Senate. If BGF has a plan for that, I would love to hear it. If a stand alone bill were to get past the House and Senate in 2011 you would still have to deal with Obama through 2012.
The one constant thing that can't change is that sportman need to keep the pressure on and not give up. One thing is for sure, if this rider doesn't work as intended, Testor will be done for 2012 in Montana.
I have brought this up in other comments on the wolf, but it is really important. I would like to see all the sportmans groups work together and spend some money to get an independent count of the actual estimate of the number of wolves currently residing in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana. The source of that count will have to have impeccable credentials in the scientific community. Down the road, if we have to rely on counts from USFWS or groups from the Interior Department, those numbers could be falsified or skewed to justify jobs, to satisfy an agenda or to guarantee the continued support from the eco-elite base.
Feduptwo - Since your research has a lot of holes in it, I thought I would provide you one of the many articles circulating that quote the wolf lovers love for the Simpson-Tester language.

Anyone who really thinks the wolf lovers like Simpson-Tester has OD'd on SFW/BGF Kool-aid.

Here is the link in one of the many rags that are printing it today.

Hardly a surpise, except for those who have been working so hard to kill this effort.



Associated Press The Billings Gazette | Posted: Monday, April 11, 2011 11:22 am

"Wildlife advocates are scrambling to remove from the federal budget bill a provision that would lift protections for gray wolves in Montana and Idaho.

John Motsinger with Defenders of Wildlife said Monday his group would continue to fight the provision "until it's a done deal." But time is running out, with final language for the bill expected to be released Monday.

Western lawmakers announced Saturday they had succeeded in attaching their wolf rider to the budget bill. That came on the same day a federal judge struck down a proposed settlement on wolves between the Obama administration and some advocacy groups.

Ten groups had agreed to lift protections for the animals in exchange for safeguards against overhunting. Those safeguards are not expected to be in the budget bill."


The article says Defenders of Wildlife will fight this "until it's a done deal," I wonder if behind the scenes there are two supposed-hunting groups continuing their fight to kill it, also.

In your posts, you reported that you have always been against Simpson-Tester. Looks like you have some company, in the form of BGF/SFW, and 14 wolf loving groups who had their settlement offered crammed down their throats.

Looks like some strange bed fellows.

If you need more quotes from the wolf nuts who are pushing for the result you are, I can provide them. They are plentiful.

Friggin' Hilarious!

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Feduptwo - Having a spare minute to read that emails that are coming across my desk from people who are pointing out the tactics of the whining wolf lovers, I thought I would provide you another one. Feel free to us it in your effort to convince the world that the wolf lovers like Simpson-Tester.

This one is from Mike Garrity, attorney (lose use of that term) for the Alliance for the Wild Rockies. One of the serial litigators in the wolf issue. He is doing all he can to bring the public hammer to Tester, as he knows the "fertilizer has hit the ventilator."

Garrity is foolish enough to put this piece in there, which shows the fear they see for the big game we will have, called Grizzly Bear delisting.

"Should Congress adopt Tester?s measure, it will be a tragedy not just for wolves and many other endangered species,......"

The last thing they wanted was for their actions with wolves to weaken their position on future ESA fights, specifically the Grizz. Simpson-Tester does just that.

Again, if you gather from these kind of comments, that the wolf lovers like Simpson-Tester, knock yourself out. Continued drivel stating such is further indication of just how far the BGF/SFW crowd will go to try stop progress on wolves.

These groups are taking the same position on Simpson-Tester as has BGF/SFW, as evidenced by the emails from Mr. Benson and the press release from Attorney Hageman.

Might want to pull your stakes now and set up a new camp somewhere else. Probably getting crowded over there with all those wolf lovers showing up and wanting to work with you.

"Tester?s wolf rider is bad policy"
Helena Independent Record
By MICHAEL GARRITY Your Turn | Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2011 12:00 am

During his 2006 campaign against then-Sen. Conrad Burns, candidate Jon Tester made many promises. Among them, Tester promised he wouldn't use ?riders,? which are amendments tacked on to unrelated bills, to legislate environmental issues.

Only two months ago, Tester broke that promise when he added a rider to the Omnibus Spending Bill in December to remove wolves from the Endangered Species List. That bill died, but now Tester has slipped another wolf rider on the Senate?s latest Continuing Funding Resolution. Not only does his move set a very dangerous precedent that may well destroy the Endangered Species Act, it also violates the constitutional rights of all Americans.

Tester faces a tough 2012 re-election challenge from U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg and one of the issues both candidates have focused on is last summer?s federal court ruling that put gray wolves back on the Endangered Species List. The wolves had been delisted in Montana and Idaho by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2009 and both states subsequently held hunts that indiscriminately killed hundreds of wolves. Wyoming, which is part of the regional wolf recovery area, does not have a federally-approved wolf management plan and the judge ruled that wolves cannot be selectively delisted for the states of Montana and Idaho.

In a political end run to provide a dubious ?win? over his Republican challenger, Tester?s rider legislatively removes gray wolves from the protection of the Endangered Species Act by directing the Secretary of the Interior to reissue the rule delisting wolves in Montana and Idaho. But the true travesty, and one that may carry significant ?unforeseen consequences,? is that Tester?s rider also insulates the reissued rule from any judicial review, thus denying all American citizens their First Amendment Constitutional rights to challenge government decisions in court.

Tester, having pledged to uphold the Constitution, should know that the First Amendment says ?Congress shall make no law? that restricts the right of American citizens ?to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.? Yet, his rider does just that.

The rider on the ?must pass? desperation funding bill will return wolf management authority to all states in the Northern Rockies region except Wyoming and short circuits ongoing negotiations with the Department of Interior to try and reach a compromise on wolf recovery and management.

Tester?s spokesperson, Aaron Murphy, claims the ?provision delists Montana wolves and returns their management to our state.? Murphy says Tester ?pushed for this because wolves need to be managed by Montanans who know best how to keep them under control.? But actions by both Idaho?s Gov. Butch Otter and Montana?s Gov. Brian Schweitzer give lie to Tester?s contention. Otter has repeatedly stated his desire to kill as many wolves as possible in Idaho, and Schweitzer has recklessly encouraged ranchers to ignore the law and kill wolves regardless of Endangered Species Act protections. Schweitzer?s actions have spurred Montana?s Republican-dominated Legislature to pass measures that would declare the Endangered Species Act unconstitutional and nullify it in Montana. Turning over control of wolves to governors who encourage people to break federal law under the rubric of ?local control? would be like turning over the civil rights problem in the ?60s to the governors of Mississippi and Alabama.

Should Congress adopt Tester?s measure, it will be a tragedy not just for wolves and many other endangered species, but for the rule of law nationwide. Besides gutting the Endangered Species Act, Tester?s last-ditch attempt opens the door to others who can and will use similar riders to destroy our nation?s bedrock environmental laws without even providing citizens a chance to voice their views at a hearing, let alone have their Constitutionally-guaranteed right to judicial review.

Tester should keep his campaign promise and drop his rider. If it's such a worthy idea, he should have no problem passing individual legislation to accomplish his goals without destroying the Endangered Species Act and citizens? right of judicial review. Bills, unlike riders, must have a hearing, which gives the public a chance for review and input. Montanans, and all Americans, deserve no less.

Michael Garrity is executive director of Alliance for the Wild Rockies.


Got plenty more, if you need them for your argument.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-11 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Oh Boy! They are all in a lather. I don't think Testor is going to be on some peoples Christmas card list.
Big Fin,

Sure there are some enviro's that really have their panties in a wad over the Tester legislation. These guys are the true nut jobs. It is not surprising that the gentleman you referred to was also adamantly opposed to the proposed settlement between the ?mainstream eco terrorists?.
Ask yourself this, where is the outrage from the Sierra Club, and the big main stream environmental groups? I just checked the Sierra club action page, and there is not even a mention of the Tester legislation. There is also no mention of the Tester legislation on the National Defense Resources counsel website. Surprisingly, there is no concern over the said named legislation from the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. I dug a little deeper, and found that there was also no call to action, or even a mention of the Tester legislation from the Center of Biological Diversity. These groups own the internet and all of them have super active websites? The Tester legislation really has them shaking in their boots, LOL.
Then ask yourself this; Does the proposed settlement (that has now failed) between environmental groups not sound a lot like the Tester legislation? Drop the no lawsuit clause and a few other minor details and its the same thing.
I know I'm not going to convince you that this bill is not a good deal because you can't see the mountain through the fog? Hopefully the weak Tester legislation doesn't derail the BGF, SFW, MDF, RMEF, legislation which is the only true solution.
I also find it funny that you never mention that the BGF legislation is supported by the biggest sportsmen groups in the Western United states, where the problem exists. Actually I'm not surprised as you know you'll always get sympathy from the SFW haters that prowl this website. Just thought I'd mention I'm currently not even a member of SFW before you tell everyone I'm on the payroll.
Good luck with all of it you'll need it.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-11 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]Wolf protections expected to be lifted by Congress
StoryDiscussionWolf protections expected to be lifted by Congress
Associated Press The Billings Gazette | Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 10:17 am

A rider in the federal budget bill that takes gray wolves off the endangered species list across most of the Northern Rockies would keep protections intact in Wyoming, at least for now.

Wildlife advocates conceded Tuesday that the wolf provision was all but certain to pass. Congress faces a tight deadline on a budget plan already months overdue.

That means wolf hunting would resume this fall in Idaho and Montana.

Western lawmakers said they acted to circumvent a federal judge who repeatedly blocked proposals to hunt the predators.

Wyoming lawmakers inserted language into the bill to uphold a ruling on wolves by another judge last year that was favorable to their state. However, the ruling said only that the government must reconsider Wyoming's wolf management proposal ? not necessarily accept it.
This bill will pass.

it is printed. NO changes can be made. NO ammendments. that opportunity closed last night at 11 pm.

House votes on it Thursday. Yes or NO.

Senate votes on it Friday. Yes or No.

Obama signs it -the whole shebang - into law Friday afternoon, or the government shuts down.

the language inserted to protect Wyoming's plan and Judge Johnsons ruling was done last minute yesterday and is a big win for Wyoming, although Wyoming was not officially delsited via this law, it is one more data point, Congress has spoken to USFWS and they need to accept Wyoming's plan, albeit a few minor modifications.

Great news for hunters. could have been better, with more states but a good start.

Anti hunters tried to kill this, too late now.

the goose is cooked, just waiting to come out of the oven.

i hope wolf hunts start in ID and MT on Monday.

Utah's law says that any wolves now found in the northern delisted zone must be removed ASAP.
What Judge Johnson specifically said, in Laymen's terms is that the USFWS CANNOT reject Wyoming's predator zone concept.
Don P, that's not even close to what I read. It said they (USF&WS) have to take a good look at the plan and not just brush it off. They did that because Molloy ruled the thing wouldn't work. It was hostile to the recovery of the wolf.

So when did you call off the dogs? About the same time the anti's did? Nice to see we're all on the same page now. Good for SFW/BGF to come around and support all wolf legislation.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
"Please help me be able to get a wolf tag this fall! "
I want one too!

you need a tag to kill a wolf......oh crap!!
Here is the Pathetic attempt of covering the backstabbing booty of these give us your money 'Charity Pay Check' crowd of SFW/BGF/UTFNAWS/Full Curl/SFH--- That went way overboard to get this bill rejected/reworded.....

Read this pure BS and go Vomit----

"It appears that a wolf delisting bill will very likely pass this week in Congress. The wolf delisting language is included in the continuing resolution to keep the government funded. We expect that this bill will pass by the end of this week. The language will be a victory primarily for Idaho and Montana, though portions of Utah, Oregon and Washington are also included in the delisting. Important language was also added yesterday to preserve Wyoming's court victory in support of important aspects of its wolf management plan. This bill stops short of returning full state management authority back to these states, including Idaho and Montana. So USFWS remains in a supervisory role. If USFWS does not interfere and allows the states do their job, a wide variety of wolf management activities can be resumed by these states. We are hopeful this would be a step in the right direction for some of these states. This action does very clearly show that Congressional action is not only possible, but also necessary to delist no longer endangered wolf populations.

We could name a long list of names of members of Congress who have worked so diligently to delist wolf populations. Specifically, thanks go out to Senator Hatch and Lee of Utah, Senators Barrasso and Enzi of Wyoming, Senators Crapo and Risch of Idaho, Senators Kyl and McCain of Arizona, Senators Tester and Baucus of Montana, Congressman Rehberg of Montana, Congresswoman Lummis of Wyoming, Congressman Simpson of Idaho, Congressmen Matheson, Bishop and Chaffetz of Utah. We have not always agreed with some of these members, but all played an important role in getting wolves delisted. Thanks also go to many sportsmen and conservation organizations that have lent their efforts and donations to Big Game Forever and to the wolf delisting efforts. Most importantly, this victory belongs to thousands and thousands of sportsmen from all 50 states who have truly gotten in the fight to protect the future of hunting through Big Game Forever. This week we will win an important victory in Congress that many experts said couldn't be won. You can't win a fight, if you are not willing to fight. So thank you to all those who have worked so diligently to make this happen. Your phone calls, emails and ongoing efforts were constantly a major conversation among members of Congress and legislative staff. This was truly a game changer in this fight for the future of wildlife in America.

While this has been an extremely difficult victory, it is hard to celebrate too much when we know that this bill does not delist most Western and Midwestern states. To our friends in Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, California, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and many other states: We share your frustration that you were not included in this delisting. While it was not our decision to go with a two state bill, the actions of a few made this a self-fulfilling conclusion. We also worked very hard to make sure the bill did not destroy Wyoming's court victory in support of the right of states to make important wildlife management decisions. So while we celebrate the fact that Congress has now recognized that they must act to delist wolves. We know this is not good enough to fix the challenges of unmanaged wolves across the country.

We call on all sportsmen and all members of Congress to increase their effort and resolve to finish the fight. Thousands of emails are going to members of Congress to try to slow wolf delisting for the rest of the country. Let's counter this effort with thousands of emails asking members of Congress to finish the fight. There are some who will use this two-state provision to try to kill the momentum on additional Congressional actions. We cannot let this happen. It is time to delist wolves in all states. Wildlife populations in the Midwest and West have suffered terribly. It is clear that Congress is willing act to address the problems of unmanaged wolves for some states. It is time for members of Congress to engage in the battle to delist wolves in your state and restore the primacy of states to manage their own wildlife.

Help us finish the fight. Ask all of your friends to join the effort at Big Game Forever to engage in this important fight for the future of hunting and wildlife in America. Signing the petition is fast, it's easy and it's free. Make a donation to help fund the ongoing efforts. Let's finish what we started. -- Ryan Benson National Director, Big Game Forever Please take a minute and ask your friends to sign the petition at http://biggameforever.org/ "

Go Figure----after the fact---trying to get this bill removed---- these clowns want to get on board for some credit????


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