I want one!

Count me in. I would take one of those little handy things.

Looks like a lot of fun.

I want one too. Just in case I have to shoot someone when I'm walking the dog or going to the mailbox. :) Actually I'd take one of each of the things they are demoing.
Cool toy!

Many folding parts though, I wonder how reliable it will really be or if it may have too much functionality.

Solves many concealed carry concerns!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-08 AT 09:46PM (MST)[p]I want one too. I plan on visiting several National Parks this summer, and I need a good flashlight!:)

Good point EEL, I would think the bears would find it most helpful to see exactly what it is they're eating. Always nice to have a cooperative subject!
Thats so cool. Wonder how much they run,,,,


This just in!!! Flashlights are now prohibited in National Parks.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"

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