I want my share


Long Time Member
I want my share

If health care will cost 940 billion in the next 10 years paid for by the new reform. And there is only 300 million people. What I want to know is how much is that per person and can I have my share now. How many 0's are in a billion? Rutnbuck
RE: I want my share

Zero placement is off. Closer to $3,100.
RE: I want my share

I did 940,000,000,000 (940 billion) divided by 300,000,000 (300 million) and came up with 3,133 per person. I dont know where you came up with 313 million per person.
RE: I want my share

>I dont know where you came up with 313 million per person.

wishful thinking or maybe instead of health insurance we should put more money into math in school. :)

Just as an FYI: My employer pays for my health insurance. It costs them in the neighborhood of $8000 per employee per year. I pay for my son and his insurance costs me $3300 per year.
RE: I want my share

Dose the new health care cover boob jobs. I already paid for 1 set isn't that enough?

RE: I want my share

In Europe a billion is a million millions. I hope that's not what Obama is referring too.
RE: I want my share

Number of zeros U.S. & scientific community Other countries
3 thousand thousand
6 million million
9 billion 1000 million (1 milliard)
12 trillion billion
15 quadrillion 1000 billion
18 quintillion trillion
21 sextillion 1000 trillion
24 septillion quadrillion
27 octillion 1000 quadrillion
30 nonillion quintillion
33 decillion 1000 quintillion
36 undecillion sextillion
39 duodecillion 1000 sextillion
42 tredecillion septillion
45 quattuordecillion 1000 septillion
48 quindecillion octillion
51 sexdecillion 1000 octillion
54 septendecillion nonillion
57 octodecillion 1000 nonillion
60 novemdecillion decillion
63 vigintillion 1000 decillion
66 - 120 undecillion - vigintillion
RE: I want my share

Redneck version;

Number of zero's, Other countries

3 thousand thousand
$hit load

RE: I want my share

"Dose the new health care cover boob jobs. I already paid for 1 set isn't that enough?"


So can we see your boob job?

To each his....or her own.

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