I thought I'd seen it all


Long Time Member
Yesterday afternoon I went to the local building supply store. I parked and was talking on my phone when a frail old lady (she looked to be about 80) came out of the store and walked over to the car next to me. It was a white, later model Mustang. She opened the passenger door, put her purse on the seat, and reached into the paper bag from the store and got out one of those razor blade paint scraper tools.

She then went to the front of her car and started scraping the paint off the hood. She was working real hard and managed to scrape a spot about 4" square. Then she went to the windshield and scraped some kind of imaginary spot off. I could see there was nothing there. Then she went back to the hood and scraped another spot about the same size. I opened my door and said "hello" but she just looked at me like she was going to use it on me, so I shut the door. Then she went to the rear of her car and was scraping paint off the rear quarter panel.

At this point I decided to park somewhere else. When I came out of the store about 10 minutes later she was still scraping away. Earlier I noticed she had a wedding ring on. I bet her husband was real happy to see her when she got home!

What you've never had to scrape real hard to get the bird shyt off? I've had some where it damn near needed a jackhammer!


Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Kinda scarey if she is out on the roads driving? Eel you might have suggested a belt sander for her. Good call on your part for finding a new spot to park in.
Maybe you should have suggested a wire brush?

Looking back, I kind of wish I had intervened some how. Clearly she was not all there. It's certainly not illegal to scrape the paint off your own car, but she wasn't right. I was on my way to the rifle range to meet a friend, and running a little late as it was.

Maybe the paint was too shiney and wanted to get rid of the glare while she was driving. Can happen when your eyes get "old" on you.
Next thing we will be hearing that Eelgrass has a new method of reducing the glare on his hood when he is driving.

Hell, I took all the paint off of mine....LOL

Just a quick question Eel. Did you get aroused? At our age it's nothing to be ashamed of.


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