I think I........oh yes I did.....

Yup...... I agree. I would say that "hunt" would have been easier if they would have shook the grain bucket a few times.
I couldn't hear the audio but not letting that bull bleed out and then coming up on him from below while he was still on his feet, neither, was very bright!

Agree... First time I felt like an anti hunter myself... I was really hopeing the elk would gore him.
I kept waiting for him to pull out a shovel and bash him in the head a few times...the camera man not the elk.
Disgusting enough for us hunters to watch and to think they put that out on the net for anyone to watch! Was anyone else hoping the bull would take them both out?
Disgusting- my only question is...

Broadmouth Ranch or Willard Peak..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Im just glad he brought his camou and rangefinder. That top-pin can be tough to judge sometimes.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-11 AT 01:46PM (MST)[p]I could be wrong, but looks like one of those game ranches in Saskatchewan. Would explain the docile behavior of the bull.
Utterly pathetic and disgusting.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-11 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]Here is their website with prices and the preceeding page says no fences, but if you take a look at the animals they list and the prices (some are $12,500)it sure doesn't look kosher to me. Whether they are legit or not, they need to clean up their act and stop putting that kind of stuff on video, especially out on the net!

Why would a person let them video tape that.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw
Makes me sick trying to watch that #####,THIS is the REASON high fence will ruin our sport,its for pigs and slobs,they are NOT HUNTERS.

"I absolutely had my head up my azz "
The whole thing makes me sick! First thing first I cant believe someone would actually pay that much to hunt and second Utahs public land is already headed in the $$$ direction no thanks to SFW and their tag grab. So these big money hunters don't have to hear how their $$$ hunt was a canned hunt.

Yep, unfortunately there is a lot of that garbage going on nowadays and it's even worse because of the number of guys that are putting it out on the internet. This "hunt" was in Canada!
that honestly made me wanna puke. its like putting a stalk on a beef cow. i didnt like that
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-11 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]Anti-hunters see: Poor defenseless animal just minding its own business and some guy comes up and tosses 3 arrows into its guts and then laughs/cheers as it slowly dies.

I see: Poor defenseless animal just minding its own business and some guy comes up and tosses 3 arrows into its guts and then laughs/cheers as it slowly dies.

But the really sad thing is that the VAST majority of non-hunters who generally agree with hunting for meat/outdoor heritage take note of this public slaughter and start thinking, "wow, I had no idea this is what really happens when my neighbor goes hunting..." "I thought he always told me that these animals were clever and difficult to hunt, but obviously NOT - that guy just walked right up to that huge bull...." "Why did they just watch it die like that?"

Nice work bozos.......
Yep,and any of you Bozos that defend high fence hunting are just as much to blame because you wont open your eyes and see what this ******* does to our sport.
Actually we chased the bull for two days straight and found out he had a broke foot after we shot him. As you can see the wind was blowing 20knots plus. So it was a combo of all three. We couldn't even get within bow range the first first two days. Thanks for the post...

That was their response to all the comments saying pretty much what everybody on here was saying.

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