I think I got it figured out!



LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-08 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]Hillary knows she can't win the nomination. But she can broker the Presidency. Think about it. Ben Franklin was never the president of the US but is remembered as one of the most influential people in our history.

Hillary goes to convention ? throws her support to Obama! Goes back to her old job as senior senator from New York and starts calling in the chips.

She is appointed to the most powerful committees in the senate for years to come. In the mean time she is the most influential politician since Ben Franklin.

In addition she and Bill keep raking in the dough! $109 million in three years ? whew!

She ain?t gunna be pres. of the USA but I'm thinking she's gunna be laughing all the way into the history books!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-08 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]How exactly is she gonna become "senior" senator from NewYork?? Shoot Chucky Schumer?? He ain't going anywhere.

You ain't got jack figgered out.

Only a lib would mention/compare EITHER Clinton with Franklin. Good hell! One helped write the Constitution, the other has done everything she can to tear it down. One was a true Capitalist, the other is a true Socialist. The similarities are eerie aren't they?:)


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