I think BQH was in an accident..



Hey guys, has anyone heard about this. I was watching the 6:00 news and they said a guy with Berrett Quarter Horses was injured in an automobile accident. They had a pic of the truck that had a MM window decal. I am just putting two and two together. BQH, Berrett Quarter Horses, MM Decal. They said he was traveling up Fish Creek pass when a car pulled out infront of his truck causing him to have to over correct and rolled. Does anyone else have any info? Bad deal. He may have been a little high strung, but I would not ever wish that on my worst enemy.


Later, Brandon
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-08 AT 10:45PM (MST)[p]as of a couple hours ago he was still calling people stupid on the Idaho forum... I hope, whoever it is, they are okay!
Yeah, I'd hate it if he weren't around to hurl insults at anyone who disagrees with him. That would be a real bummer....
He called me stupid too. But after I figured he was a good guy, and it did not matter. Hope all is well with the man.
I'm really thinking it may have been him because he has not posted since about 2 hours before the accident. Again, hope I am wrong....

P.S. Guys are still ragging on him on the Idaho forum...probably wondering where he is at.
I think it was him now. No, the cops said a car pulled out in front of him or whoever it was and it caused him to have to turn away abruptly and swearve to miss the car. They said it caused him to roll. Dang, I really think it was him now. Haven't seen him around, has anyone else?
Is there a link to the story? Does he actually live in Idaho? Where did this accident happen? I have no idea where Fish Creek Pass is. Lets not be too hasty to call in the cavalry. Now d13r, you stop. I know what you're wanting to say.
I have been looking around and noticed this post. It caught my attention because that is a very common name in SE Idaho. BQH.
There is Bergstrom QH, Berg QH, Bulkie QH, Berrett QH, and Ballard QH. Now these are just the ones I am aware of. I think I know what Fish Creek pass they are talking about. It is just outside of Lava Hot Springs and between there and Soda. It is the big mountain pass. Dangerous place. I helped scrape up a cowboy off that stretch of road about three years ago. The only way we were able to identify him is by the belt buckle he was wearing. He was that mangled. I sure hope that this guy wasn't killed. I haven't heard about any deaths up there, but there are accidents up on that pass everyday it seems. BQHIdaho, whoever you are, you are in my prayers. That scared me when I saw that because we have used our last name that begins with a "B" to spell out BQH, but as I say, there are alot of BQH's. I will keep my ears open.

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