I smoked a cattle killer.


Very Active Member
Today I was out and looking for ground squirrels and what ever, when I saw a bunch of crows, magpies, and a vulture in the brush. I went to take a better look, and I see two coyotes. They stand up, and I shoot the easy one and the other got away. I went over to see what they had. It was a set of twin Black Angus calf's. I could tell that the cow had given birth recently but she was no where to be seen. I left the coyote at the road and went to tell the rancher. I told one of the hired hands wife's that I left the coyote by the road as a marker for them to find the calf's.
Man I wish I could have had a shot at the second one. I took a picture of the coyote with both calf's. Ron


Did the Coyote Kill it?

Yes,I know they will!

I watch from where I live year after year & watch the Coyotes hone in on a herd of Cattle/Cows just as they start Calving!

They do Slick the afterbirth up!

Rarely do they bother the Calves(again,yes I know they kill a few!)but seems funny they don't kill more Calves than they do!

We've got enough Coyotes here they could kill every Calf within a couple nights/days if they decided to!

So,My Question is:

Do Coyotes associate Domestic Cows/Calves with Humans?


Why don't they kill more Calves than they do?

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It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-12 AT 05:15PM (MST)[p]When we used to run cows on the home ranch, about 1 out of 25 calves would end up with a "bobbed" tail. Maybe one a year out of 200 or so calves they would kill. We have little chicken azz 35lb yotes round here though.

Edit...We probably lost more dogs than calves over the years. Evil ba$tards would sucker them away from the house and then attack and kill em.
I went by this spot earlier and saw cows there but didn't notice any calf's. I don't think the cow had given birth yet. The way the ground looked the calf's were killed by the coyotes. The carcasses were still steaming when I walked up to them. I have no doubt that they were killed my the coyotes. Ron
Bess.....you must have a different kind of coyote than we do.

Our calves have only been hitting the ground for a month and I KNOW for an absolute fact that we have lost at least 40 head to coyotes.

So far, I have only been able to kill 17 'yotes this season, so I ain't "in the black" yet.......but I'll keep at it.

Some days, I see as many as 20, but there is nothing on the planet that is smarter and they almost always see or hear me first.

I have shot several over the years that were actually on the calf while it was only half way out.

When they rip off their tails, or their lips, most bleed to death anyway.

Biggest problem we have here is that the coyotes are "call shy", so we have to ambush them or shoot them from extreme distance.

It is a serious problem and I am sure the deer and elk fare no better when they start giving birth. When the calves get too big the deer and elk are the "go to" banquet.

The difference is, the game animals are not herded up, but when the crows and ravens hit the after birth, coyotes can see and hear that activity from a long way off.

If I only save one animal a year, I will be happy.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
Easy Nicky!

As I've already posted above,they do eat a couple here & there!

Here's the deal Nicky!

A Calf/Calves ain't no competition for a Yote!

They could easily Kill every Calf!

But they don't Nicky!

Why Nicky?

They're Hungry Nicky!

Deer are Scarce in TARDville Nicky!

Why Nicky?

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If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Glad you got one, keep shooting.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-12 AT 10:49AM (MST)[p]First of all nice shootin on the song dog....I'd have been shooting myself and giggling like a little school girl the whole time doin it!

BUT, seeing that coyotes are scavengers too, I wouldn't automatically assume that just because a coyote is feasting on a dead animal that it is what was caused it's death. Some calves are still born and some coyotes are lucky enough to find it.
"BUT, seeing that coyotes are scavengers too, I wouldn't automatically assume that just because a coyote is feasting on a dead animal that it is what was caused it's death. Some calves are still born and some coyotes are lucky enough to find it."

If you will read the earlier post by the OP, he stated it appeared the ground in the area indicated the yotes did the killing and I doubt that both calves were stillborn!
I grew up on a farm. I could tell that is where they were born and killed. It was cold enough that the bodies were still steaming. These were fresh kills. Ron
Bessy- have you ever tried to tag a new born calf? Momma don't like it when you get to close, usually the cows keep the coyotes at bay. But in tall brush or with a pack of coyotes they get calves sometimes.
Wake the ##### up Pooner!


I didn't say it wasn't True!

Nor did I say it never happened!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home

If you're wondering if I used the F word in above Post,Yes I did!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
Good work, Ron. Got to kill all of them we can.

I was out working on some fence the other day and I looked up on the hill and saw 2 coyotes. A little while later when I was finished, I drove out the way I saw them. Sure enough, they were still there. Now there was 3 of them. 2 took off and one just sat in the grass, about 175 yards. Jumped out of the truck and whacked him. Jumped back in the truck and hauled butt around the corner and there was another, jumped out and whacked him, too. I saw the 3rd one, but he was about 800 yards and runnin. He got away. I try to kill everyone that I see.

I worked on a ranch a few years ago, and the rancher told me a story about a coyote they had that would eat the face off the calf while it was being born. He killed about 40 calves one year until the rancher finally got him. He was a 50 pound male.

"Suck it, terrorists," -Keith Stone
"You spelled it wrong,Bess.#### is only 4 letters."

Now that's funny and I don't care who you are!

Whoa whoa, don't get your panties in a bunch. I was explaining why they don't get them all, like you asked. I pretty much agreed with you. Coyotes will take any easy meal they can. But they get a few every now and then. No sense going on the war path here.
Got the look of ravens to me looking at the eye and nose, they play hell on calves worse than yotes round here. Don't really matter much. A dead yote is an good one.
Good job Ron, looks like a great shot with a muzzy.

I killed a coyote one time that was tugging on a half born calf. I though at the time that the coyote was trying to eat it. After this post, I realize it was just licking the afterbirth off of the calf. I feel so guilty!!!!!!!
I thought this was about beaners!
I have only lost a few to coyotes over the years to coyotes. Now dogs are another story.

"In the breast of every meat hunter there beats the heart of a secret, frustrated trophy hunter."

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