i received all my expo tags free!



well i finally met up with 2lumpy at the expo. his son and himself were awesome people. we had a chat then headed off to buy expo tags. i figured the guy would allow me to buy my own tags after i explained i wasnt flat broke and still had money.

well i started filling out the application n checked hunt after hunt. qtpie did the same. 'umpy personally walked both of us ove to pay for the tags and wouldnt even consider letting us pay for our own much less his. i believe our total bill was around $400! i was and still am dumbfounded. i havent had anyone buy something for me "no strings attached" in over 15 years. im used to people wanting to b my friend in hopes of getting stuff for free. next thing i know someone shows me there are still some real people out there.

thanks 2lumpy, i really needed to know that humanity still existed in people. Your truly an example to be followed by all.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
oooooooohhhhhhhhh crap i totally forgot jim. i went to dinner with my friend from africa n didnt even think to call n find out where we were suppose to go. dohe! pm me. i got some nm hunts u need to apply for.

in addition i wasnt gonna buy any expo lottery tags this year. things re too tight and im puckered even tighter. thanks lumpy

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Nice to bump into you and QTPie. It was a bouns to meet the infamous bobcat bess to. I kinda blend into the crowd. Just another old grey haired guy at the expo. :)
Stinky, there you go making up wild stories again.

Truth is, my bladder problem showed up again Friday night so I never even made it up to the big show. Stinky's just making up junk again so he doesn't need to admit I stood him put like a blushing bride at the alter.

Sounds like the Expo was a good one, really wish I could have got there this year.

Good luck to those that got another chance at a great Utah hunt. Look forward to seeing the fruits of your labors.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 01:00AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 00:59?AM (MST)

It was nice to meet yourself and QT in person. Had a great time visiting and getting to know you a little better.

Hopefully you draw a tag, maybe you'll let me come throw a few rocks down the canyons for you! I could probably assemble and pretty good crew to push some brush too! As you know that's how we do it in TARDVILLE, LOL!
My son and I sat across from you at the food court. I did not know who you are. I would normally speak to strangers at the same table, but I was focused on your guns. I was afraid of possibly upsetting you. Dude...I'll bet you can toss a bull elk around with one hand. LOL!
My ole lady talked stinky into buying ole QT's a low cut trophy wife short along with slamdunks wife. We had a pretty good picture going on with them all. Had a drink with them after at dinner and walked off thinkin my ole lady had paid for it. Come to find out we left it for Stinky. Sorry man but thanks i got you next time.
I will give you this stinky, you looked alot better this year then you did with that gay boy band shirt a few years ago.
I was going to come say hi but im amazed that a 6'5 250lb guy can vanish in a matter of seconds
This is stinky..... my fones dead so I'm using qtpies.....sorry

So u noticed me and wouldn't come talk? How rude lol j/k
Come on over and say hi next time!

Man I'm lliking this thread! Someone actually thought I looked like I was 250 lbs??? I'm flattered lol. I'm actualy dieting and hoping to get down to that. Only 35 more pounds. I had a great time though. I met tons of guys and everyone was awesome. Muley73 had a cool kid. Looked like he had adhd but never said a word. Just a cute kid. Big john t may have also convinced me I need another gun.... thanks jerk, my pocket books thin enough right now lol.
Is anyone else ready to throw up !!!

Please when you have it as tough as the families trying to figure out where their next meal comes from then come here boohooing !!!
Stinky, You must have something on him. I've known him for years and he's to cheap to even buy me lunch. To show you how he is, he calls to see if I want to go to the expo with him when he knew I would be out of town.
Never said I wouldn't come talk. I was checking out a big rack (not your wifes) and when I turned back around, you were gone.
Oh ya, CB. You go off to the big show and never even call me. I could have gone if you'd have given me a ride up Friday. But, no you shuck out of town like a pie eaten dog.

Your wife won't even buy your lunch! Too damned ornery.

77, no need puking bud, Stinky loves jerking everybody's chain, just to check their pulse. He knows one of my sons in NM and delights giving me crap. That's okay, I'll get even when the time is right.

Stinky, that adhd kid of Muley's is a hunting machine. He has a cute smile but he will cut your heart out with a spoon if you cross him. There's been many a twelve year old learn the hard way trying to cross home plate the last 4 years. Kid's a lot more like his crust old grandpa than his milk toast father. Notice those eyes...........never blinks!


Speaking of eyes . . . he sure had his eyes on one of those scopes Grandpa. I'm guessing he can probably shoot too. When's his birthday again?

It's always an adventure!!!
Hey Stinky you can never have enough guns !! That 416-338 looked pretty sweet. Maybe a little to much gun for those white tails you hunt ;)
conch was looking at your arms and not at your wife's rack?.....wtf is the matter with you tards???

Watch your tongue big john. theres no such thing as too much gun. My cuz tried to tell me that when we went prairie dog hunting with my 50 bmg.

Hey lumpy. I was wonderin why the kid never blinked. I was thinkin bout askin to play a game of stare down with him but figured out real quick I'd get my arse kicked. The kid just looked super focused. He looked like he was totally stoked just to be around all those dead critters lol.

So let me get this right. You were looking at a big rack for just a few seconds and turned around and boom, i was gone?

Or was it more like look at these horns, and don't look away until stinky is gone? I'm thinkin thats what was goin on. Ignore the hill billy!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 11:00PM (MST)[p]Stinky, i saw you to and i was gonna come introduce myself and start talkin bout rigs but you were having a conversation with a gentlemen, and i didnt want to barge in cuz...your a big dude. But i will come b.s. with ya next time. The other feller was actually pretty big himself LOL
>That would be slam dunk im
>guessing. Both them boys
>aint right in size.

Two big muscle heads for sure but very nice folks!! It was nice to meet ya both, you to Qteepie.
Hey rug, would you please quit responding on this thread? i believe the only time I carried on a conversation with you was at club habits and I can at least claim they sold alcohol there.

Does it make me gay by admitting that I enjoyed talking to rugburn? god I'm so ashamed of myself. Anyone ever hear that song by katie perry titled "I kissed a girl and I liked it"?

Well it kept playing in my head the next day and went something like this...... "I talked to rug and I liked it......." ROFLMAO!

I guess I'm a fag by association huh? LOL

Now go away rug and let me bury my past!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
your killin me ruggy!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
It's ok fireball I can bring qtpie along as well. You are a girl right? ROFL

And people say I don't think of others!

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