I really screwed up!



OMG! Every year I put in for the draws in NM. Next thing I do is attach qtpie to my applications on line. Well every year is the same ol same ol. A whole lotta nothin.

Well this year I did the same thing. I apply for every hunt imaginable and what happened after 23 years of applying? I hit the jackpot! Stinky drew the best antelope and elk units available in NM and a decent unit for deer. I was so excited until I realized I forgot to attach qtpie to my apps. I didn't even enter her for the draw and didn't realize it until the results came out!

God I feel like an ax murderer!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Cheaperthandirt.com has great deals on bulk ammo...You may be able to get a multi crate deal....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
was nice knowing ya stinky...what a problem to have a wife that loves to hunt as much as you do....wonders what thats like


has anyone seen my kittie
Man your had!!!! Now I wonder what Qp's take is on the deal. Holy Smokes!!! I can be a friend if need be. Wow I am in AWE!

I thought you cut your nads shaving or something more interesting.
Ya stink....put a leash on your........ahh nevermind.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Good Luck Stinky with all of those great tags!!! I hope that doesn't make you a scum of the earth socialist for drawing those tags instead of buying them.
I "accidentally" left my wife out of the application process for like three years in a row, until she finally got the hint.:)

Did u really just ask that nunya??? Its cuz I'm THAT good a both, duh! And for the rest of u....yes I was a bit upset...but not too bad cuz atleast now I don't feel so guilty about buying that navajo tag and putting my name on it. ;-)....I still get to go kill something this yr and that's what matters.

Fyi: Stinky is my best friend and we do pretty much everything together....I would not want it anyother way. I love him like no other....I'm sorry some of u guys can't understand, guess u would just have to be us. I guess what we have just doesn't happen too often anymore.

Atta girl Terra!!! AND STINKY..... You got some 'splainin' to do!!! Lucky she's as forgiving as she is....
PLEASE just shoot a bigger one then Stinky, That will be his Punishment for forgetting you on the App. Take his truck on the hunt too if it will make it, if not go and buy a new just for the trip.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-10 AT 06:32PM (MST)[p]I plan on killing a bigger one then him, with less bullets as well.... I have also knocked him down and taken his "old" truck....some would argue i look silly driving a truck that i almost need a ladder to be able to get in , but i think it fits me very well....plus its a chevy :) (sorry babe, but i still loves me a chevy)! and trust me when i say it is one BAD ARSE looking truck, love it almost as much as him....kidding babe, but thanks for keeping it so i dont have to drive my "mom mobile" around all the time.

side note: it is a difficult truck to park in those small spaces at walmart, it is also not practical for grocery shopping, cuz i cant get my stuff out without someone helping me climb in the bed. and i dont think there is a curb in this town i havent hit when turning. Anyways, i didnt say i was good at driving it...i just look good trying.

Yep pictures of you standing next to the truck

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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