I pronounce you...


Long Time Member
man???? and wife?
Sex and the City star Cynthia Nixon who is openly gay [on the right side of picture] is marrying her long time love Christine Marinani, on left. no way that is a woman is it? C'mon! 'She' is more manly than Rosie O!! i'm not sure i'd hit that if she was the last woman on earth. What about you Wiz?

He/she goes by "Chris". Having a surgical procedure done soon similar to an appendectomy but different- called an addadictomy.

Nice suit-looks kinda like Bessy at his last bail hearing...'cept Bessy wasn't smiling.

LAST EDITED ON May-18-09 AT 12:45PM (MST)[p]It's a little like the old adage about why do women try to find what they think is the perfect guy and then spend the rest of their life trying to change him. Why, oh why, bother to go through all the troubles of being an openly gay woman and then marry someone who looks like an ugly guy.

Aaaannnddd: If that was a guy. and she were straight, she'd never marry a dude like him in the first place.

I just don't get it.
What do you call two dykes in a canoe ??

Fur Traders....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>That just totally deflated my sex
>drive :-(

No Slammy - that was the 'roids that did that! This didn't help though...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
its only because she hung like a ................

on top ............................and

on the bottom...!


I don't know what it is......I would not hit hit that!! I don't have the words to describe that picture. The one on the right is attractive and the thing on the left is......confused!! That really makes me sick! Seriously, I'm disgusted.....I can't even think of anything funny to say.....it's just disturbing. What is it with Hollywood and everybody thinking its cool to be gay/lesbian? Take a look at that picture again...there's no way that that is acceptable. As a woman, she's ugly.....as a man, he's a weeny looking, weak, dorky redhead. I mean....come on! WTF? I'm done.....gotta go dump a load! That wrecked my day, Feleno!!

i don't get it?.....why not just marry a guy instead of woman who wants to be a guy?

guess we know who wears the strap-on.

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