I Need To Giveaway Stuff!


Founder Since 1999
Guys, I have a box of the 2011 Magnificent Mule Deer Calendars here. They're not selling all that fast and I want to get them gone before it's too late to use them.

First all, ya'all are welcome to BUY ONE if you'd like. They are pretty cool.
2011 Magnificent Mule Deer Calendar
But, I want to give some away too. Give me some ideas on fun contests we could do? Photo contests are always good. I've done photo contest featuring camps, animal packing, youth, and a few others. Anyone have a good idea or two that coud be fun?

Maybe like a, "What was I thinking?" photo contest featuring photos with a trophy that maybe isn't one you'd typically share with others??? I don't know. Give me some ideas and I can giveaway a few calendars.


Brian Latturner
Give them away to the biggest bitchin and moaners on the site...Maybe they will quiet down for awhile. Just make sure none of them get left out, ya know, maybe top ten instead of top 7?

Traditional >>>------->
I second the fish pics, something different to change it up.
ya ya its a hunting website but...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
You can always donate some to our California Bowmen Hunters Banquet coming up in two weeks. :)

BOHNTR )))---------->
let's see who can push the 50% rule the farthest without getting nuked......


I like CUPSY'S contest the best!


God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Best idea for the hunter to use during his hunt.
Like extra things that You wouldn't think of.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-11 AT 09:59PM (MST)[p]How about pictures w/ kids. A lot of guys on this site have kids and would love to show them off hunting or fishing. 18 and under? Smitty
Dang, somebody took my dog idea..
-How bout a best camp meal photo contest or...
-wierdest thing found while in the outdoors contest.

Its lonely at the top.... just the way I like it.
How about you send me one and make the rest of these guys win theres? I think that sounds like a pretty darn good idea. I mean it's already the 7th of jan most of the year is pretty much over with anyways.
How bout HAC # 2?

You know?

For people like CUPSY that didn't Post their Hunt even though We know He woulda loved to go hunting with Founder!

I think there were quite a few Hunters that coulda posted a HAC that didn't!

I still think CUPSY being guided by Founder would be good footage!:D

Might have to be edited,but it would be good!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
How about pictures w/ kids.
>A lot of guys on
>this site have kids and
>would love to show them
>off hunting or fishing.
>18 and under? Smitty

+ 3

Good idea.

Look back at some more recent posts that were good. Select a few and they win one.
"I cant decide which one I like better out of the dogs or the kids."

Its a toss up on training and behavior...

I would like to have one, im deployed active duty military in Afghanistan right now so at least i could look at the calander when i want to see some bucks....probably be back here next season too..sucks thats the rotation im on...how much you selling them for?


"my greatest fear in life is that when im dead my wife will sell my hunting stuff for what i said i paid for it."
Everybody is packing around a camera these days!

How about instead of posting up a picture you already have on your hard drive, that you give a two week competion time window to post a photo/s that was taken in the contest time period. On your honor of course.

Give us all a reason to get out and enjoy the great outdoors at a time of year when we all could use a little more activity.

Maybe keep the photos relevant to the outdoors with "Winter" as the topic of the contest. Photos of winter range game, ice fishing, scenery, coyote hunt, chasing cats, snow shoe'n, skiing, shed hunting, any thing that suits your fancy and captures the essence of "Winter".

Doen't require anybody to be a pro photog or have highend equipment. Just get out and capture a photo that you think will capture our intrest.

Maybe make it a straight up vote-for-your-favorite photo at the end of the two weeks. Could be a lot of fun. You'll get some good pics up on the sight, roust up a little motivation and will sure to get some intrest as the activities and photos will be fairly real time.

Example like this: Fish'n With Gramps!

Just make it easy and create a new post and the first bunch of people that reply get a calendar.
You have enough to think about with the HAC contest, don't over do it. The last thing you want are more "Bearcats" pissed off because they didn't win a calendar.
How to the first guy from each state to post in this thread with a pic of their 2010 deer gets one?
You could do cool trapping pictures, everyone likes to see predators going down.
Some good ideas. Thanks! Most probably noticed I have a contest going now and a youth fishing pic contest in the Great Outdoors Forum.

Brian Latturner
How about a picture of the smallest 4 point buck rack - we are always focusing on the largest racks.

How about a contest asking participants for the tag number in the draw for their particular hunt. Here in Az every tag is numbered as it is drawn. "Who got the lowest tag number?"

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