I need some new books



Got any ideas for some good books to buy? I like Military thrillers Tom Clancy stuff like that. People are givin me crap about me posting too much so i better do something.
"Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly. It does have "warrior" in the title! Good read for sure.

Amazin both books are on my list of must reads. WAs thinkin about Laura Ingrhams new one too. Need some more.
Since you like action type books, how about one that is non-fiction and will make you say." that's unbelievable".
It is out of print, but you can find it though most good book stores. the title is "Unrepenant Sinner" by Col. Charles Askins. It is his life story starting in the 1920's and his border patrol career and his experiences during WWII in North Africa, and in Viet Nam before we sent in ground troops.
This guy made some of the old west gunslingers seem like pikers compared to what he did. If done today he would be tried for homicide many times over. It was in the days when law enforcement shot first and asked questions later.
He also got one of the first S&W 44 mags along with Elmer Keith and used it to shoot a viet cong while in viet nam as a advisor to the S. Viet Nam military. Nobody has contested that he was the first one to kill a human with the brand new S&W 44 mag.when it first came out. Heck! He makes Dirty Harry seem like a social worker.
If they had border patrol agents again like this one, there would be a shortage of drugs being smuggle across the border because the smugglers would end up being shot first and be given their last rites instead of their "Miranda" rights.
Get the book, you will love it.

Any of the W.E.B Griffin books like the series "The Corps"

I like Military History and there are no shortage of good reads for that topic. Just started "Roberts Ridge" a true story about SEALS in Afghanistan. Having a hard time putting it down.

have you read carlos hathcocks story marine sniper, and he has another one that goes into more depth about some his stories told in marine sniper i think it is called the silent warrior, i have some military books, i prefer the real stories.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-07 AT 11:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-07 AT 11:51?PM (MST)

Some good ones here. Ya i like both fic and non-fiction. Ransom speakin of bigfoot, on wen night a show called monsters is on and they are doing somthing on bigfoot this wen so you know its going to be a slow mm night.
I hear " An Inconvenient Truth " is a good read. that's what 202 said anyway, it won some awards too I think.
Some guy named W. Clinton, wrote a book I think it was called "True Life" or maybe it was "True Lies", should be a good read.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
"The 900 days, The seige of Leningrad" Very good reading that tells what the soviets did when Hitler invaded and almost took Leningrad.
You should check out Oliver North's "Mission Comprimised" and the rest of the books in that series. I also second W.E.B Griffin's "the Corps" series.
Check out these recent titles:

The March Up
Thunder Run
One Bullet Away

And also:

Ghost Soldiers...it was made into the movie The Great Raid.

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