I need help fast



So my son is going to be born at the middle of july and my wife is saying that i can't go scouting til that child i named and she is trying to pick out girly boy names that i hate any suggestions. Thankx
Just one name Mclovin , or if you want to go ethnic, Jamal
or the most common name in the world is Muhumad not sure how to spell that one..
These days you could name a kid anything. What a girly boy names. You mean like Johhny Cash, a boy named Sue???? LOL
name him scout. or Wyatt.

i have noticed a recurring theme of people naming their sons very girly names.

my friends kids names....Aden Braden Landon Tristan

sure its cute now but these boys will one day grow to be men.

Sure You Can Trust Your Government... Just Ask An Indian
If its a boy, Hunter

If its a girl, Huntress

I tried that at home......we ended up with Maya Rae.....gotta love a compromise. LMAO

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
You can never go wrong with Clutch or Larry. You never see any kids named Larry anymore.

My boys name is Tanner...lots ofr cool nick name with that.

I was thinking of Rowdy or Huck!

I once worked with a guy named willy. I no its a common name but his last name was Bonner. True story.







Bob Marley

but I must say Johnny gets my vote

Dillon *after me
I must praise my fellow MM'ers i told her about my post before i read any replies and was a little worried when she wanted to see them. Not knowing how common this kinda post was and i was impressed with the posts and so was she, she says wow there are some really nice people on here thanks everyone for your input.
I like the name Cody. Or you can name him Cus. As he grows up and screws up, you'll ask him why he did that and he'll say cus. I was 6 years old before my Mom told me my name wasn't dammit.
Kade Jr has a good ring to it.
Mark Kenneth,
Cody James,
Chris Jeffery,
Nicholas James,

You could call Him Hard, You get the JK

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Can't go Scouting till you pick out a name.... Almost have to call the boy "Scout"... We were going to go with Wade, but had a girl the second time around.
I have a Kole and a Weston. Others we thought hard about chase

I tried like hell for Larry, ended up naming the cat larry.


My suggestion is my great nephews name.

Dane Robert, its a masculine name, also him and I have what is called the three degrees of him being in trouble.

1st time I call for him: its Dane
2nd time: its Dane Robert
3rd and final time: its Dane Robert Vane-Conoyer, if this one is called out he better come running or be trapped under something heavy LOL.

I'll try to post a pix of him. He is 8 years old, stands almost 5ft tall plays both sides of the ball in football defensive line and offensive line, and plays basketball and baseball.

All the other kids and teachers in school love him and he has the kindest heart I have ever seen in anyone, and I am proud to be he's Great Uncle.

Although I don't think he will ever be a hunter, etc, but that's okay I'll still love him to death.

Sorry I got ramblin:


Joe E Sikora
Not sure if anyone has suggested it, but in the 20 or so posts I checked in, nobody mentioned the greatest name any boy could ever want....


in case you didn't know... "more mail is delivered in one pelvic thrust from Chuck Norris than by the entire U.S. Postal Service.... EVER!!!"
as in "The Real"

If not then just use "Dirk Digler", That will make his mom proud.....
LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-10 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p] Have ya had the baby yet?? One of a kind name will get no regrets! If he looks like me name him RUT


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