oh yeah- these are called "cling-ons". they are a common creature, usually grown out of sheer orgasmic fluids. however they can be easily dispatched. the preferred, or most common method is to simply pass them onto your friends- they will be gone, and your friends will always owe you- but i have my own little way of ridding myself of these worries- begin sleeping with THIER friends (i usually am already doing just that- but who knows) by sleeping with, or bedding (a more common term) thier friends you can almost be assured of immediate removal, and cancellation of any future plans they may have for you. and at the same time- you gain a new "tween", the circle can be repeated again and again as neccessary. on another note, my son and i went opening morning dove hunting monday. he used his .410 for his 1st dove hunt (he pops bunnies alot, but has never shot at anything flying) it took him 5 shots, and misses before he hit his 1st bird- only 5 shots. his 6th shot took his 1st dove ever. i am only going to talk about his shooting, my shooting was so bad- he is teasing me still today !!!!! today i am getting eased by my 11 year old son- he took 1 bird 6th shot- thats all i am going to say about that !!!!! i never said i was a good bird hunter- EVER !!!!! dammitt. i shot 1 1/2 boxes of 12 guage shells 41 shots - 1 bird. and i only startled him. he gently landed and began walking away when i went to get him, it took me 30 yards to catch this stupid dove, but i got him.
dam birds.