I love you granny


Long Time Member
Kind of sick, disturbing, heartwarming story....

When 72-year-old Pearl met her grandson, little did she realise she'd soon be 'pregnant' with his child

Pearl Carter is positively glowing with joy. She has a handsome new boyfriend, is enjoying an active sex life after many years of celibacy and, amazingly, is preparing to become a mother again.

But the retired grandmother isn't carrying the baby herself. She and her young lover have spent a staggering $54,000 hiring a surrogate to help them with their dreams of having a child.

What makes Pearl's decision to become a mum again even more shocking is that her new boyfriend is her biological grandson, 26-year-old Phil Bailey.

Phil is the son of Pearl's daughter Lynette Bailey, and the pair is braving public horror and even prison by breaking one of the last taboos ? incest.

However, the pair makes no apologies for their controversial plan to start their own family.

'I'm not interested in anyone else's opinion,' Pearl says. 'I am in love with Phil and he's in love with me. Soon I'll be holding my son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be the proud dad'.

Phil adds, 'I love Pearl with all my heart. I've always been attracted to older women and I think Pearl is gorgeous. Now I'm going to be a dad and I can't wait.

'Yes, we get laughed at and bullied when we go out and kiss in public but we don't care. You can't help who you fall for.'

Pearl was 18 when she fell pregnant with daughter Lynette. She was living with her Catholic parents in Indiana and they insisted she give the baby away, so as not to bring the family into disrepute.

They organised a private adoption and Pearl never again saw her baby girl.

Pearl went on to marry, but she never had any more children. Instead she searched for her lost daughter until finally giving up hope 15 years ago.

Finding each other
In 1983, Pearl's daughter Lynette had a baby of her own, who she named Phil. She raised him as a single mother.

'My mother told me she was adopted when I was 18, and at the same time she told me she'd been diagnosed with brain cancer,' Phil says. 'I was devastated.'

Phil nursed his mum for six months before she died. It was then he decided to track down his grandmother. It took three years before he found an address for Pearl and wrote to her.

'I was stunned to get his letter,' says Pearl, who was now single. 'My heart jumped that I'd be re-united with a grandson. I wrote back immediately and included my phone number.'

When Phil phoned Pearl, the pair admits they were both rather nervous. Pearl told Phil about being forced to give up Lynette for adoption, and Phil told Pearl about his mum dying of cancer.

'We both cried but kept talking for three hours,' she says. 'When he emailed me a photo, I thought what a handsome and sexy man he was before pinching myself ? he was my grandson!'

Confused, Pearl talked to a friend, who told her about an article she'd read on Genetic Sexual Attraction (GSA), which occurs when close relatives meet as adults and are attracted to each other.

'I could now understand my feelings and realise they weren't wrong,' Pearl says.

In 2006, Phil met his grandmother for the first time.
'From the first moment that I saw him, I knew we would never have a grandmother-grandson relationship,' Pearl remembers happily. 'For the first time in years I felt sexually alive.'

Phil admits that he had the same feelings towards Pearl.

'I wanted to kiss her there and then,' he says. 'My feelings were overwhelming.'

The pair spent the first week shopping, bowling and eating out. During the second week, giggly on wine after a night out, Pearl decided she wasn't going to deny her feelings anymore.

Unexpected feelings
'I called Phil into my bedroom, sat him on the bed, and then I leant over and kissed him,' Pearl says.

'I expected rejection but instead he kissed me back.'

Pearl then explained to Phil what she'd discovered about GSA.

'I was thrilled and excited,' Phil says. 'I could be with Pearl and it was OK because she'd never raised me or been in my life.'

That night, grandmother and grandson became lovers.

'Making love to Pearl was a real eye-opener. It was love combined with all this sexual tension that had been building up,' Phil openly explains.

Phil, a carpenter, agreed to live with Pearl and get a job with a local building firm.

'Living with Phil as my life partner has been amazing. He cooks and cleans and we make love three times a week. We can't keep our hands off each other.'

Twelve months ago, Phil made the shocking admission that he wanted a child. Pearl told him she was desperate for a baby as well, but it was one wish that she couldn't fulfil as she'd already gone through menopause.

The determined pair then decided to use Pearl's retirement money to find a surrogate mother and buy a donor egg to inseminate with Phil's sperm. They placed an ad asking for an open-minded surrogate, and Roxanne Campbell applied. The three met up a few times and hit it off.

'Initially I was shocked,' says Roxanne on learning the couple were related. 'But they're a brilliant pair and I saw how much they loved each other. I know the baby will be loved too.'

The couple sees 30-year-old Roxanne once a month and accompany her for scans, with Pearl playing the part of a pal or the baby's grandmother.

'I am just so happy,' Pearl says.

'I am finally going to be a mum and not forced to give up my child. Phil's going to be a great dad. I never in a million years thought at 72 I'd be "pregnant" and in love with my grandson. I make no apologies and I believe God's given me a second chance.'
Your right Feleno.. It is indeed a heartwarming story...

Goes to show you that you just never know when the love of your life will happen along.. Congratulations Phil!
Well, so much for the concept that the "grossest thing in the world is when you go to kiss your Grandmother and she slips you some tongue"......I never thought it could really happen!
Feleno you owe me a keyboard, unless you know how to get all the puke out of this one...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'll tell F'er, the ol' Campfire would be boring as hell without you around it. Keep'em flyin' man. That crap's funny.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Good gosh man, I could have gone the rest of my life, let alone today, without seeing that.
Wow. That kid's gonna be his own Grandpa. And his kid's Great grandpa.

Dang Feleno where do you find this stuff?????
I have always found older women hot too. But older as in 5-10 years older than me, not 50 years older:eek: !

She must have a ton of money and he's just doing what dozens of women do on a regular basis. Except there is still on HUGE messed up factor.....she's his grandma!
I agree with the sick and disturbing part but I never got heart warming out of that article.
>You 26 Wisz?
>I almost called you sick & twisted F'er!}>}>}>

Hey I'm surprised that B Bop A Bozo doesn't have some perfect answer for all of this since he seems to for everything else!
>Thanks Bates
>You were on the mailing list
>to get one of these.
>I guess it never arrived?

No - I got it, and I though it was working just fine, it is just not rated to handle that type of volume.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
so this is why bowhuntwitharifle hasn't been on MM. she's too a busy making love three times a week and pregnant. good for her! i wonder if he is the 16 inch saddle.?
Good lord dryboot! I thik you hit the nail on the head - either that or she is married to HomerJ. Maybe this kid is HomerJ. Anyway - now you owe me a new keyboard! LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't see why this post is getting such a visceral response - frankly, I don't see that there is too much wrong with it. Aside from the pure biology, these two people are not related and who are we to decide how they should live their lives or who they can love. I say more power to them! Very heartwarming indeed.

Oh and BTW Roy - sorry, my partner is younger than me.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
HA!! I knew it wouldn't take too long for that trap to spring. You all assume so much! I said the word "partner" and BOOM - one post to accuse me of being a homosexual male (despite the many previous sophmoric "HomoJ" references).

FYI - my "partner" and I have been happily married for 22 years and she is very happy. Now here's the 64 Million dollar question. Knowing that, is it safe to assume that I am even male?

You can think what you want...

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
Wow, Homer j you said all that like you think it's wrong to be Homosexual.

I'll take your route and claim that I am standing alone on the Moral high ground.
"Aside from the pure biology,these two people are not related...."

Can't argue with that logic HJ!

>Wow, Homer j you said all
>that like you think it's
>wrong to be Homosexual.
>I'll take your route and claim
>that I am standing alone
>on the Moral high ground.

Glad you are finally stepping up to my level! Look, I must admit, I am playing devil's advocate a little here. Homosexuality is wrong, but so is assuming things about a person just by one or two traits or habits. That is rampant on here and has been for a while. I guess it is one of the things that bothers me. Getting back to the original topic of this thread though, really is is any or our business how these two decide to live their lives if they are consenting adults? I may not agree with it but I don't have the right to infringe on their happiness.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli
you said "Aside from the pure biology, these two people are not related". Huh? Its biology that makes them related. He's her BIOLOGICAL grandson and last I checked incest is illegal in most places. From the article: "braving public horror and even prison by breaking one of the last taboos ? incest." Don't matter if they are consenting adults or not if its illegal.
Feleno you are simply not tuned into the Homie-J wavelength.

Smoke a fat one,chug some wine,lick a food stamp, and things will become clearer for you my unenlightened friend....

>Feleno you are simply not tuned
>into the Homie-J wavelength.
>Smoke a fat one,chug some wine,lick
>a food stamp, and things
>will become clearer for you
>my unenlightened friend....

LMAO cbeard! Hit the nail on the head.

Here you go Homie - keep digging pal - just keeeep digging!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy I was going to chide you for the blurry shovel pic but I realize now that on the HomieJ wavelength it will appear clear to him.

You are always one step ahead.....

Homer.......you simply don't get it. A blind baby with measles has more perception than you.

Mostly, this entire campfire forum is dedicated to simple, pyschologically uninterpreted, humor. Spare us your analysis...we KNOW we are disturbed and not only do we know it..we LIKE it!

I/we have no inclination or intention of picketing the afforementioned "loving couple". Niether do we really care WHAT they do,

The "topic", in and of itself, is freakin' funny....at least to those of us less analy retentive than yourself.

You need to either accept the fact that "Monster Muley Humor" has way too much hair on it for your taste, or take your Birkenstocks, yogurt, and Sigmond Freud handbook, to another website, where you can get paid for your time.
>kinda brings a tear to your
>eye huh 70?
>Sounds like he "Phils her void"
>so to speak

Yep Feleno, He's a lucky man... Many guys go through life and never find their "soulmate".. I'm sure she completes him.
HJ, stop being so hypocritically judgmental of all us judgmental hypocrites. I'm still not sure I buy into him as a real person. I think he is an alter ego pen name of a regular. I haven't quite pinned it down yet but the vocabulary narrows the field of players. No way somebody can be that out of touch with reality. If there is a way, heaven help us. :)
>Homer.......you simply don't get it. A
>blind baby with measles has
>more perception than you.
>Mostly, this entire campfire forum is
>dedicated to simple, pyschologically uninterpreted,
>humor. Spare us your analysis...we
>KNOW we are disturbed and
>not only do we know
>it..we LIKE it!
> I/we have no inclination or
>intention of picketing the afforementioned
>"loving couple". Niether do we
>really care WHAT they do,
> The "topic", in and of
>itself, is freakin' funny....at least
>to those of us less
>analy retentive than yourself.
> You need to either accept
>the fact that "Monster Muley
>Humor" has way too much
>hair on it for your
>taste, or take your Birkenstocks,
>yogurt, and Sigmond Freud handbook,
>to another website, where you
>can get paid for your

Ed Zachary
I don't think I will ever be able to eat my grandmothers pie again. Legally, you know, because of the incest thing.

For those of you on the verge of puking, I hope this sealed the deal. -Mayhem
"'Making love to Pearl was a real eye-opener. It was love combined with all this sexual tension that had been building up,' Phil openly explains."

A real eye-opener, huh? I'll bet he's never seen a wrinkled up yoo-hoo before. That is flat out nasty!

Mayhem- I really hope you never eat your grandmothers pie again either! You oughta be ashamed of yourself. Just kidding...


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