
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-09 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]Adult language in video.


I took this at turkey camp last spring, actual true story.

But apparently due to some recent statements you need to have a disclaimer and waiver form to post something like this.

But screw those guys this made my day!!!

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Yep - needs to have a disclaimer about the excessive use of colorul adjectives, nouns and verbs all derived from the same word.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Funny stuff.

Could I just suggest next time a video link is posted and has adult content to just let us know prior and in addition to the link. I was not offended, but clicked on it and began watching the clip with my 5 year old. A minute or two into it the f-bombs began flying. I quickly shut it off. Now I have to try to explain to my 5 year old why we don't talk like that.
Is the disclaimer something required here at MonsterMuleys? or what?

I am the one who taped the video and have permission of the guy who is telling the story to post it to youtube.
Dude ###### tells stories exactly the #### like my ###### bro in law Dan the ###### man!! And I personally hate house cats as much that guy hates monkeys...

NESandhills - no you don't HAVE to have a disclaimer of any kind and it doesn't have to do with any kind of permission to post the video or anything like that. However the clip does contain a significant amount of profanity and some of us would like a warning before hand to let us know that it does so we don't open it up in mixed company (like around a 5 yr old for example) or at work, where such material, though hilarious, would most definitely be innapropriate.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
funny vid!

As far as disclaimer needed... if you dare enter the campfire forum that should be disclaimer enough :)
The guy has told this video now two years running in camp. The first year no video camera, the next year I was prepared.

Then taking him back to the airport for his return trip home, he begins telling this story about chiggers (you know the little no see'm bugs) and how they nearly got the best of him. Or course I was driving, but I warned him that next spring he is telling that one again so I can get it on tape also.

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