I left her!!!!


Long Time Member
Well sort of.

My normal Saturday routine is to stop at the gas station, fill up the tank and head out for some shooting or hiking. Today me and Mrs. had a lot of errands to run and people to see so there was no morning out in the hills. We drove to the gas station and while i'm filling the tank she goes inside to check her lotto tickets. About 4-5 miles down the interstate I hear her phone ring...and thats when I notice her purse in the passenger seat. OH SH#T!! That wasn't a call I wanted to answer. A few minutes later I'm back at the gas station picking her up, and getting an ear full. We laughed about it later but I think she was still kind of mad.

So she'll be reading this, waiting to hear from you others whom I've assured her have done the same kind of thing. You've all done something like this before right? Right? h e l p
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-10 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]If your wife doesn't get even with you first, Manny is gonna sic Jesus on you.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Feleno, congratulations on hitting the lottery!!!

That IS the reason you went back, right?


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
At least she hasn't found out about you and her little sister yet.
She wasn't going to read these posts was she?
:) ohhhhhh how i wish you were right, the trip back woulda been a whole lot better.

can someone at least lie and say you've done this then I can come back and edit this reply? :)
its not her little sister I'm worried about its the lady across the street :)

That look on her face was just like that... except thats the wrong finger.
you got to quit thinking about that other chick you mentioned a while back,you might even need a day or two in the pastors office.

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

Feleno, I have never left my wife at a gas station but thanks for the idea. But here's what I'd have done.

Ditched the car down the road.
Pay someone, anyone, to black my eye and rough me up.
Then hitched or taken a taxi back to the gas station and tell her the car was hijacked and you were beaten up and left for dead along the road. Tell her you were so concerned for her safety you didn't even seek medical attention before coming back for her.
Then you call the cops, they recover the car and you're home free.

Now boys, y'all make a note of that in case you are ever in Felenos position. Feleno, at the point you are presently at, I suggest jewelry.
That's gonna leave a mark at some point Feleno

she will get even

and that's darn funny right there

You wouldn't have to stop so much for her to use the restroom if you wouldn't let her drink beer in the pickup, BUT on the other hand staying lit is the only way for her to put up with you:)

My wife has been on a bender for a year and a half now!! LMAO

Sorry F-man I have no advice except to keep your head down and weather the storm. That one will remain in her log book (they ALL keep one) for about oh,say,50 more years....

turn the volume up feleno & listen,reminds me of you

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

thanks for the help and suggestions guys, with friends like you.... :)
Which begs the question, earings or necklace?

Yeah i think the stench of my oversite may linger like a fart in a pillow cushion for a long time.

I know you are in her Fav Five, just thankful her phone was in my truck.
Well, there was this one time we was going boating at Lakemead and the redhead was ragging my arse incessantly. I slammed on the breaks & opened the door & kicked her axx out. It was about 110 outside & the kids were bawling so I turned around & picked her up. She didn't give me any sh!t the rest of the trip. 'course I didn't get laid for 6 months after that one. At least by her.

Sorry to hear that man; take it from someone who will be celebrating 24 years of wedded bliss tomorrow:

[font color="blue" size="10"] JEWELRY
Good one dumbass!! ;-) LMAO

Shopping all morning with the wife - $300

Lotto Tickets - $45

Full tank of gas - $35

The look on your face when you realized why her purse was ringing in the empty passenger seat - PRICELESS!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I think feleno & slick need to quit screwin with us,funny but like fishin stories................

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

You and your wife must have some pretty interesting conversation while driving.

Maybe you could get a bell put on her new necklace so you can tell where she is.

F-dude thought I was the only one

Last summer my wife and my 2 nephews were headed to my cabin
We stopped at the liquor store and all went in.When we came
out my phone rings and I answer it.My buddy starts talking about hunting so im on cloud 9.My nephews get in the truck.
And my wife throws her purse in and closes the door and leaves to return the basket.When I heard the door close i figured she got in and I took off.A few miles down the road i hear my phone beeping.Look at it and dont recognize the # so I continue talking to my friend.Keep in mind we always warn the kids don't
talk to me if i'm on the phone.When I hang up the phone my
nephew asks me"Where are we going?"My response is "Duh to the cabin".And he says "without my aunt".My eyes opened the size of saucers when i looked at the passenger seat and she wasnt there.
To top it off they were doing contruction in the median so I had no place to turn around.When i got back she was beyond pist
When we made up she told me she had chased the truck but i drove right by her.Did I tell you she was pist
I kinda like the cowbell idea dude...I mean what's done is done but you gotta learn from a "mistake" like that right?? I'm sure after she'd been wearing it a while, the bell would be your new best friend Feleno...just imagine that a minute and give it some thought but I say try it and good luck!! :)

I did that to my FIRST WIFE. Women can't take a joke sometimes. I hear doing the dishes will make your hands soft. John
I hate to say this, and I am sure it goes for a lot of us, but I think if she had won the lottery, she probably wouldn't have called you to come pick her up...
i've never been so thankful for a losing ticket :)

Thankfully she forgot about this post, I didnt quite get the responses i was hoping to show her but thanks for the laughs boys
Way to go! I tried that years back. You made out like a bandit. Word of advice don't leave her on the hill while hunting for more then 2 days with out food/water. They will kick the hell out of your truck.

Sorry to tell you this F-er but you will never live this down.

One day I dropped my Son off at School and went on my way to work. About 30 minutes later I get a call from my furious Wife. Turns out it was a School holiday and I had abandoned my Son at a closed School. A teacher at the Pre school my Son attends after Kindergarden happened to drive by and pick my Son up. Why she had to call my Wife first I will never understand.

Trust me, 20 plus years later I still hear about this atleast a couple times a year.

You should probably just take this opportunity to move in with the hot neighbor. It would be less painful then what you have coming.
On an out of state vacation, I stopped the motorhome at a friends and my wife didn't like him so she decided to take a nap while I visited.

Then she decided to take bath instead.

He wasn't home so I just got back in and continued our trip thinking the wife was sleeping

His driveway was about 4 miles of rough, unpaved boondocks.

........do I need to continue?
Nickman sent me a picture of his wife a while back. This visual aid might help you decide. Unfortunately for Nick he won't be going hunting this year as all his funds are allocated to his wife's future back surgery
Yeah, that would be her, right there. I am impressed with her progress nowadays.....with a little help, she can actually sit up!

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