I have trouble



My hunting partner and best friend is in a depression and is not looking forward to going to wyoming in two weeks to go hunting. He has marrital troubles and doesn't give a crap about the hunt or hunting or just about anything else.
What can I do to help him with his attitude? We are hunting unit W in wyoming and it is a unit he is familar with and I am not. At this point I may be on my own as far as hunting. He has not prepared a thing for our trip. His rifle has not been out of the closet and his bow is in the same spot. Wisconsin bow hunting starts Sat and he has no game plan at all or if he is even going to hunt.
I hope to hear suggestions on helping my bud.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-10 AT 08:34AM (MST)[p]Sometimes you need to just get them up and go try to get something kinda easy but fun like shooting prairie dogs. That might help get his spirits up and help him get going again.

I don't know what problems he is having with his marriage though. Maybe you need to be a friend that is there for him. Hard to give advise in these situations.

I have been divorced and can and do give all the help he wants and more. He doesn't open up much though and one thing I do know is that his wife is spending more money than he makes and runs it up on a card. She is not very family orientated at the moment and lives pretty much for herself.

So he feels like he can't afford to go hunting? Its a hard situation to be in...
Take her cards away, be ready for a fight but maybe it will turn out better.

IT'S not the money I already told him I'd pay the gas and food so its not going to be a money issue for him. At least on this trip. I have hunted with him for over 30 years and I have never seen him in such a funk. I have no problem with the finances of the trip. I would go alone so another riding along isn't a problem. It is his attitude How do I get him back in the groove so to speak.
Don't be pushy, but keep working on him. Invite him to go shooting. Invite him to go look for deer and elk. Sometimes just a little time away from it all helps. Hell even sitting in a boat drinking a beer and not catching a thing is good for the soul! Try to start back at the basics for him see if you can help give him a release from all the stress he is under.

To me it sounds like more of a problem than just not wanting to go hunting. Maybe you would be ahead to go do something that you both like that doesn't have anything to do with hunting?
Its not just hunting he isn't fired up for anything and I know depression when I see it. He has it but won't seek help on a profeesional nature. I will do my very best.
Don't give up on him, keep inviting him for anything. You may need to just go load him up in the truck and go. Good luck man, wish I could help more....

I was gonna give you crap about the Farve comment... but with your good intentions I just can't do it. Did you see the bruise on his leg from last year? He is waaay tuffer than me.
Prozac...Put it in brownies if you have too..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I went through a divorce about 12 - 13 years ago, and duriing the hunt that yr=ear, my buddy and I along with my brother took about 15 cases aof beer. Went hunting opening morning, shot at a cow, walked off the mountain and didn't pick up my gun for 12 days. By the ends of the hunt , I had made the camp chef and drunk position lookj like cake. been onof the best hunts I had.
He probably has anhedonia: can't find pleasure in anything. Drag him out with you. As stated above, anything, just get him out. The trip would probably be the best thing in the world for him. If your good enough friends let him know that you will carry the load, but your counting on him. Go to his house and help him get ready if necessary.
I love your suggestions,It makes me smile so maybe just maybe he will snap out of it. I had him help me construct a hunting shack this weekend his heart wasn't in it. He got a little better toward the end of the day but it wasn't fun or pretty.
I agree with the others about getting him out and maybe with a change of scenery he might be able to open up with you. Let him know that your really want him to go on the hunt you guys planned to Wyoming and if you can get him to go let him do the talking when he's ready. It will most likely come out at some point in the trip, just be be a good listener and don't offer opinions.
I suspect there is more going on than the money issue that you mentioned especially if he is in that bad of a funk.
As a long-time depression battler, I have one bit of advice... endorphins, endorphins, endorphins. They regulate your brain's mood swings naturally and your body creates them during exercise. Get your buddy jogging/walking/hiking... It will work. As far as professional help goes, it is hard to admit... If our feet hurt, we see a podiatrist. If our teeth hurt we see a dentist. If our heart/head hurts, we clam up and get proud. That attitude kills many men every year. Nearly got me whne I was on my 4th deployment to the middle east...

Help him and don't be afraid to talk openly about your observations. It took my dad telling me "life is a roller coaster and ups/downs are fine... but your ups are not ups, their just less down..."

I pray for your buddy's sake, he can seek some help.

Hes running about two miles aday and works out with weights so his body is coming around quite nicely. And yes the workouts greatly improve his mood. Yesterday he told me I'd need a wheeler to keep up with him first time in months I heard what he use to be like. I really encouraged the get in shape for the hunt and you feel terrific about the hunt coming up. I confirm and compliment him on how much better he looks and that his gut is nearly gone.
Thanks for the help.

I'm not worried about him physically. I'm pretty sure he could carry my deer out by himself.
The perfume from those places linger for days. I really don't know first hand I have just whiffed it from my younger hunting partners.

Gonna be harder to concentrate on google earth without a planned route to Rock Springs in the back of my mind. lol
Don't worry about the perfume. That's what they make all these cover up scents for! Bull in rut works great! Don't spray your buddy though, maybe that is what his wife needs! Log your buddy on this site. If all the funny SOB's on here can't make him smile, ah never mind he will smile!!!
Heck if you guys are going Rock Springs just do like the locals... blow a bowl of meth & wait for your teeth to fall out.

If you aren't smiling by then go rob a truck with Utah tags. Works for some I guess.


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