I have a question


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]In Huntindude's post about Vitter he uses the term Ulta Conservative, I have heard this term used also many times by liberal politicians and people in the Media. I remember specifically hearing Matt Lauer using the term, Ulta Conservative, to describe John Roberts when he was nominated to the Supreme Court.

The question I have is: Has anyone ever heard of anyone's politics described as Ultra Liberal in the media or by any politician? The implication is that you can be too conservative but never too liberal.

Just wondering.

The term I most often see used on this forum is "Limp Wristed, Liberal, Democratic Cry Baby" but you make a good point. I prefer "Moderate Liberal" or "Moderate Conservative".

The liberal equivalents of "ultra conservative" often used are "far left" or "leftwing liberal." In either case, the terms refer those who are at the extreme core end of their parties. -TONY
>The liberal equivalents of "ultra conservative"
>often used are "far left"
>or "leftwing liberal." In either
>case, the terms refer those
>who are at the extreme
>core end of their parties.

You here "far right" and "rightwing conservative" as well but never "Ulta Liberal". It has a different conotation.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-07 AT 02:56PM (MST)[p]It's all wordsmithing! Over the last 12 years of (r) controlled congress, media-types like Hannity, Savage, and Limbaugh has drawn a negative conotation to word liberal.

I used to know the definition of conservative and republican, as well as liberal and democrat. Not any more...

We have Republican, Neo-cons, Ultra-conservative, Moderate Reps. and Far Right wingers.

We have Democrats, Dixie-crats, Liberals, Far left liberals and progressives.

Yet the base definition and the decriptors of Democrats and Republicans differs from the definition just 30 years ago.

Todays Republicans are more like the Dixie-Crats. Todays Democrats are more like, well I don't know what they're like because I'm not sure they know.

After 12 years of congressional control, Dems either appears as deer looking into the headlights, or a dog after getting caught in the garbage. The republicans have hammered the Dems so hard at every turn they have just become submissive.

We have had a Republican controlled congress giving us record deficits and Democrats screaming about fiscal accountability.
Talk about a switch in basic principles.

No wonder why we can't get more people to the polls at election time.

P.S. I was using "we" as those in our intelligence community on the other post. Good to have you around Nemont.
And you never hear the "main stream media" even use the terms "far left" of "leftwing liberal". The reason is the, "main stream media" is "far left" and consider themselves "mainstream", so another far-left liberal or even an ultra liberal is not possible in their little bubble. It is hard to be left of MOST of the media. George Soros is the puppeteer of the "ultra liberals", and many of the "main stream media" get their talking points from wacko groups like Moveon.org

Forethewall my complements on a well written post that in my opinion is 100% correct. My republican senator Chuck Hagel said about the same thing a month ago and that is one of the reasons the republicans are ready to kick him out of the party. Its also why I like him. The old deffinition of the political spectrum in books on government is no longer accurate.

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