I Have A Dream


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-10 AT 07:47AM (MST)[p]


How To Hunt Coues Deer

You have always been, as far as I have seen,
the man who always has the real facts on a topic. You are the one we all turn to , to get the straight scoop on whats happening with the AZG&FD.

That's why I was surprised to see you post this cartoon.

" I Have A Dream " I guess refers to MLK, a man who died for peace.

I think this site is mainly Republicans, and when you portrayed
President Bush as holding the feet while Mr. Chenny did the water boarding, it is certainly a slap in the face of all Republicans.

Besides, water boarding is wrong, and certainly nothing to kid about. I don't know any U. S. military men who believe in water boarding. I know it's a fine line, kill them in battle, but don't toture them.

Just my opinion

Steve Cheuvront
Steve, you must not know many special ops guy's then. I have 23 years in and a med retirement and I cannot come up with a single soldier that I recall saying that they are against water boarding.Water boarding used in a very controled environment is the best method of getting the information needed to keep people safe.
Steve, you really need to get a life!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Tony, if anyone is offended by this joke, feel free to substitute my picture for either of the other two.

I was and am just a regular guy. I didn't know any special opps
military men.
I did know men who after a battle, ran to the enemy soldiers
one, to take away their ability to fight, and two to give them aid.
Maybe it was and is different in the special forces, I do not know.

Tony, my wife does on occation put something in my shorts, but it seems to dry before it can do an old man any good.

O.K. I got trashed for my thoughts, and I guess thats what this site is about, and that is having fun.

Steve Cheuvront

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