
Long Time Member
She was doing great finding 2 roosters for my wife and I and then she found a porcupine. I couldn't see it in the brush so I kept telling her to get it up. She got into him pretty bad....


She had a lot more inside her mouth.
The soothing sound of a 12 gauge put him to sleep along with the wonderfull aroma of burnt gun powder.

We tried to pull them all ourselves but we ended up taking her to the vet and she is healing up just fine.

That just leaves skunks next. (Hopefully not) That really sucks, I've been there and it's certainly no fun for you or the dog. I had two of my dogs get a porcupine at the same time once and another get a skunk, it sure puts an end to a good day. Sorry to see that, just bad luck I guess.
Looks painful...and for doing as her master instructed she should get a some fresh meat or some other treat. Think she'll listen next time?lol
Spark doesn't like Porc's or skunks either. I think he is still convince he can kill a porcupine though.
Lol she has been into skunks before. Actually quite often....... Hopefully she isn't the same with the walking pincushions.... She still listens to me really good, and she still likes me. We let her in the house and she layed by me watching tv all night.

That looks like it hurt. Glad it all turn out good.
We got a little skunky on that last trip. He took a dirt nap too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Jstr86, you call that bad. My dog got hit worse then that, I pulled them out myself and kept hunting. My buddies Darthaar got it worse then anything I'v ever seen, all over the outside of her face, roof of her mouth, toung, lips, inside the nose, everywhere. He held her and I pulled them out one at a time. It took around 15 minutes. We kept hunting the dog never missed a beat. How much did the vet charge you for something you could of done yourself? Oh BTW, we let both Porckys live.
Ya, I've seen 1st hand of dogs that have gotten it worse. We pulled quite a few before the picture. The ones we couldn't get were inside her mouth and she wouldn't open he mouth for us anymore. We were also pressed for time on a doctors visit we had waited over a month for..... The vet knocked her out and pulled the remaining quills. Set me back $56.

I will usually let them live just move away from them, but I was pissed off....

Wow Shotgun iam impressed. i wish i could brag about how stupid my dogs are. i can see where the get it from their master. and to brag that they continued to hunt and never missed a lick i just wonder what you where licking lol.that just tells me you dont think much of your dogs. anyway iam so happy you are so ignorant to people.makes me proud to be a mm member
Justr_, Sorry about your dog guy! $56. seems a small price to pay to have your dog tended to by a Vet. Glad things worked out...and no way i'm letting a porky live after something like that. Yea, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but there will be no chance for a re-pete from that critter!!

For those who don't know. If you cut the end off of the quill with a pair of sissors before you pull it out. They will come out a lot easier! The quill is hallow and when you squeeze it a barb comes out on the tip like a fish hook. I am thinking your hunting pup is going to piss on your christmas fruit cake! .

I used to see porks all the time while running around in the foothills. I haven't seen one out in the wild for a loooong time. I did almost hit one in my car coming down parley's one night, but that's it. They are an easy target. Seems like most people kill 'em when they get a chance.

My uncle had to put down a horse because of a porcupine quill infection in it's leg.
I carry a pair of I think doctors call them hemostats. Doctors use them to tie stitches in surgical procedures. They work great for pulling quills out if they aren't real bad cut the ends off. Both of my dogs learned about skunks and porcupines quickly. But I used to have one that ever year had to relearn and they were handy for that.
Dogs, smart as they are, seldom learn to avoid porcupines, skunks, or racoons. They will get into them every time they are close.

Porcupines smell like bacon and if you shoot one, or find a road kill, you can light it on fire like it has gas on it.

I had a English Setter that got skunked and the very next day the dummy got hit again and even brought a live baby skunk into the house thru the dog door!

My brothers Pointer has had to go to thru the porcupine thing every year in So. Dakota, and this year, twice in the same week!

We had Blue Heelers on the ranch and they are some of the smartest things on the planet. Skunks, racoons, and ranch cats kept them smelly or bloody all the time.
Man I live in horror of that happening to my short hair. He absolutly hates possums and I would bet he would think a pork is just a fluffy possum.
Well we found a raccoon yesterday and she squared off with him until I could get in the brush and kill the raccoon. She has a small cut on her lower leg and some ruffled hair. We also found another pincushion too just after. She barked and carried on bouncing around it and had it heading up a tree so it took a dirtnap along with the raccoon. She didn't have a quill in her this time, hopefully she keeps it up! She was finding birds great too!

Damn good dog!


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