I hate football

Well, i'll be different here and agree with you. Big business has taken the fun out of it for me.

I loved playing the game. I was All Bay Area as the middle linebacker on a 9-0 undefeated team, went on and did very well in collage at the Univ of Az. All was well until i wouldn't take a painkiller shot in my lower back before a game. I went from king of the world to a "second stringer" that still played most every down of the rest of our 9-2 season...big business or Army, take your pick!

Once out of school, i knew lots of pro players and became a 49er fan. I still played softball and adult flag football on a 3 time state champion team(don't laugh, very physical game)and all went well until i didn't know any of the players any longer and the new guy's were all about the money.

I'll watch today's game but it'll be only the second or third game i've watched all season. The love of the game is gone...

Gawd, don't let this get around but a subject I agree on with marcopolo. Well, hate is a strong word. I just have little to no interest in it.
>Gawd, don't let this get around
>but a subject I agree
>on with marcopolo. Well, hate
>is a strong word. I
>just have little to no
>interest in it.

I knew it!!!!!!!!!!!
As i said above, i don't watch much pro football but must say that i'm very glad to have watched this game. Heck of a game!! Really outstanding!!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-09 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]I suppose it could be good. I see some of the same humor in you two.

sword, yea, they made a few too many calls for such an important game. Hell of a great game though. I had no bets, was worth watching just to see the execution of both teams. Great Game!

GAWD what a bunch of homo's!

What is your favorite sport... synchronized swimming????

"What is your favorite sport."

Hunting big bucks and fishing for big trout on the side!!

What's the matter Rus? ain't we manly enough for you? :)

I got to get on the side with those guys who could care less.

I don't know that I actually hate the pro game, but I have very little respect for pro football players as a group.

Both pro and college football interfere with me being outdoors and I can't see wasting the time.

I shot coyotes this afternoon, so I didn't see the Super Bowl.......but even without the 'yotes, I would have missed the game to watch crows crap on fence posts.
I like football I just dont care for the overpaid whiners in pro sports...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Football is the modern day gladiator sport.
Where else do you get to see 2 people hooped up on roids running at full speed directly at each other tyring knock each other out.
The reason the advertisers paid 2.5 million + for each add yesterday is because it is the premier sporting event for this country. Football is king of the USA.
Soccer is king of the rest of the wienier lickin world.
Nickman--LMAO!! And you don't have to watch crows crapping on a fence.....the Cardinals are doing that now!!

>GAWD what a bunch of homo's!
>What is your favorite sport... synchronized

Actually RUS, ladies nude synchronized swimming is one of my favorites.

I have to confess. I was invited to a superbowl gathering yesterday at my daughters and went somewhat relunctantly. I took some reading along that I needed to spend some time one exoecting to be bored out of my mind. Here's the confession part, I watched the game and enjoyed it very much and even cheered a little. I had no dog in the fight so I just enjoyed seeing a good game played.
Sorry boys - but I love it. Love it at all levels! Played for nigh on to 15 years - little league, Jr. High, High School and College - I am now coaching my boys and I love it. I will be having major withdrawls until 9/5 - when the Horns start out with Louisiana-Monroe!! Can't wait!

Great game yesterday and I appreciated all the efforts of the athletes - I was rooting for the Cardinals but I am an AFC guy and was always a Steelers fan when I was a kid so I was going to be happy either way. It was fun to watch.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Don't love it or hate it. But I don't sit there all season and follow any team or any player. Don't know who's who like a lot of the hard core fans. However I do enjoy watching the big games, such as the cards playoff games and the superbowl.

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money.
You can keep the "change"!"
Not me...I'm a big time football fan. NFL..as American as apple pie.

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