I Drew Ut. Mnt. Goat!!

Congratulations PleaseDear. What are you doing posting that time in the morning? Oh couldn't sleep.
Congrats PleaseDear! I bought a point there for mnt goats this year. I also put in for Montana this year and I feel lucky:)
Going to go up and get one of my pet nannies huh? Congrats.. Carolyn sent in cash so we dont know if she will be chasing a billy yet.

Great News! Have you picked out the spot in your house where you are going to put it? Full body mount?


Proverbs 3:5-6
Congrats! Time to get in goat shape.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
GREAT!!! Now let's hear your stragedy...(sp in honor of D-cup)

Going for hair or size or both? You've got to have a plan you know. You also need to think about what mount you want and where it's going. What are you going to kill it with? Thinking about all of this now REALLY helps the waiting process.........(yeah right)

wyo--- I'm always up early.. 25 years of GraveYard..

It'll be a shoulder mount that will go next to my Billie I got out of G-7 in Colo..

Late Sept./Early Oct. dates so what ever the hair is will be.....

Thanks LP, after all it is a Traditon.... ha

Go Figure you deserve it!
Your going to have to put it on the back burner. So we can go get my ram first. Break a leg. Pred he could care less. He is not in this world right now. His thinker is not working right. Give him a couple weeks! I wonder if the Lamas will work as decoys?


Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
Robb, I drew a San Rafeal north antelope tag. Do you know anybody that has hunted it or knows of it? Congrats on your goat tag. Thats going to be a great hunt! Thanks, Mark
AZ, congrats, I'll get right on the phone for you, I may know some folks that can help.

And I'm happy to help out too!

Hey Kelly, maybe I could use a few of your old knee high nylons to put over the ears to look like horns for decoying the goats in with the llamas!! haha

Mark, Lisa is a great source of intel for your antelope hunt!! Lucky man!

Be safe, Robb
NO Way Your not using my knee highs!


Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
Any hits on your card Ktc?? Good luck

Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
Bow Goat.... and if I get into a big ole muley I can arrow him too with this area being with in the Wasatch Front Extended bow area.
I did rut. Thanks.

Good luck PD. I would like to hear how that pans out. I admire your try. The goats I watch just walk away from me staying about 400 yards ahead of me.:-(

Is your tag a nanny or either sex?
Sure ktc, I've already got a Billie on the wall from the G-7 in Colo. tag/hunt I had over there....

Wrap these goat points up and draw my Utah Des.-Ram tag next year... haha

I'll be down on the Dutton with my bud that drew bow-Dutton.... keep in touch for some intel on your rifle tag.....
Will do. Thanks PD! Lets hope 2006 is a little better than 2005 on Dutton. Last year was tough!
Congrats, Robb!

Keep me posted on your goat hunt and I'll keep you posted on mine here in Colorado!

Enjoy it. You know just how rare these opportunities are.
Thanks Brenton.... real happy for your Colo. tags and the excitement that goes into these OIL type tags....

All the hiking certainly helps keep my back loosened up and to some extend free of discomfort... yours too I hope.

Way to go PD! Sounds like a fun bow hunt. Hope you arrow a bruiser.

I like how this thread has so many folks helping each other.....reminds me of the old days here!

BOHNTR )))---------->

Congrates on the draw! I just bought a point this year for my mt goat. Too many other things and hunts going on. Next year or the year after that I should be chasing them up in the cliffs.


Went up a ways on the North Ogden Pass trailhead going to Ben Lomond pk.

Still some good snow as ya crest the face. I got plenty of time to get in there and have a look see.

The deer look real healthy. No fawns yet and didn't see any 'nubs' for bucks.....

ANYONE HAVE OR KNOW ANYONE with the Ogden River Bull Moose tag???

I'm seeing one real big bull and although he is still in early velvet... it looks like he is going to be a dandy!

Coming in from the North Ogden Pass trailhead and he has been at the 3.79 mile mark on my GPS and the second time he was a little farther at the 4.16 miles mark on the GPS. All 'mile mark' are from the trailhead parking lot....

Granted, someone would certainly 'earn' this big bull with no vehicle access other than a trailbike.

Touchbase with me........
My question is! Are you seeing any goats? 4 miles my acheing back. The last couple years there has been 2 big bulls between Avon road and South Fork road on the South end of the Unit. Have ya found the goats yet?

Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
Robb Also if ya need access via rocky point I can get access for ya. Ya know just in case one of the goats falls off the rocks. I am also thinking I have this new Fathers Day Spotting scope my son got me. It likes to look for goats from Willard Bay. 60x80mm. We could check out the goats in bikini's also. How exciting is that?

Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
Heck Rut... 4 miles is the warm up the leg muscles part of the hike!! haha 8 miles to Ben lomond and then up and over for some glassing.. haha

Those Mnt. bikers are near death going up but man do they cruise going down!

Sure lots of Goats, muleys, elk and a few moose-- and the big guy is a loner....

Waiting to take the 6x6 up to Willard peak area once the snow drifts and cornices melt out... this weekend I'm scouting in Nv. on those tags but plan on a 4th of July ride to see if I can get up to Willard pk. area.....

2 things one I have seen a TON of goats on willard peak infact we went for a drive up there on the atv saterday night to the top and walked down the trail from willard peak and there was 67 goats on or close to the trail plus a few more that where down in the cliffs and rocks they have been there the last few weeks I know a lot of people have been going up there as the road there is in good shape for a 4x4 but even last year on the archery hunt there was goats in the same area they do not seam to be to scared of all the people up there

The other thing is I have a freind that has a ogden river moose tag I would like to talk to you about that moose you have been seeing I have found a couple good ones but would like to find a great one there has been a lot of horn growth in the last few weeks so I would guess your bull would be showing a good set of antlers by now

Thanks hope to talk at you soon

Clynt L Citte
Willard Ut
[email protected]
Thanks Clynt,

I haven't had a chance to get up there lately. Nv. scouting and up to the North Slope filming some Rams....

Word is that, that 'friends moose tag' is your tag! lucky fella!

I've bumped into a Weber Co. Deputy sheriff, a couple of times, that has an Ogden tag too and I showed him that bull moose about 2 weeks ago. He is a horse hunter. I haven't been up the North Ogden Pass side/trail since then....you could take a motorcycle up that trail but not an ATV...

I gotta get with Larry/YELUM for some 'intel' on the northside of the freeway out of Evanston for a scouting/filming trip...Bear River Drainage area...

Thanks again,


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