I drew !!! unit 32 sheep!!!



I can't belive I finally drew a sheep tag in colorado!!! Any help with this area would be appreciated. I think pleasedeer drew that area awhile back is he still around? Gary

Which season? Rifle or bow? Where do you live? I'm about an hour from Unit 32. A friend of mine did very well there last year during the first bow season. The hunter orientation is July 9th in Denver. Be sure to be there (watch www.bighornsheep.org for details).
CONGRATS!!!! You'll get plenty of good offers for help I'm sure, I'd be glad to help as well.

AntlerQuest Hunt Consulting
Oh cool. You'll be able to get plenty of scouting in being that close. "Sandbrew" can help you out a lot on that unit. And I'm not joking about the hunter's orientation in July. It will be worth your while to go. The CDOW folks will all be there as well.
Great for you!!! Sure I got plenty of info for ya but heck with Brenton and Jeff so close to ya they most probably could be your ticket to success.......... How kool for you...... any S9 luck????

Wow! Talk about beating the odds! Glad to hear you drew such a tough tag. I don't know how long that season is, but I drew that unit for archery last year and killed a nice ram. You are in for a hell of a hunt with a rifle that's for sure! Take your time and kill a 180 incher!
Congrats on a great tag!

Are you a member of the RMBS www.bighornsheep.org ?

I always give my best advice to members.

There are plenty of good rams in the unit but a 180 might be hard/impossible to find no matter how hard you look. I'm not saying there are not one or 2 in there just the unit isn't known for HUGE sheep. I'd be happy if I had the tag and killed a 10 year old 170 class ram.

Mark you calendar for July 9th Hunters Orientation and July 26 the date oif the Georgetown sheep count. Get in shape and scout scout scout all summer long ever chance you get.

Shoot me an email [email protected]

LAST EDITED ON May-02-05 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Sandbrew,

I agree there a alot of good rams in that unit but I think if a guy really scouts it out a big ram is possible. 180? Give or take I think so. Either way great tag to have. And once again the odds on drawing a rifle tag in there are very low.
I drive it to and from work and have yet to see a 180 class ram this winter or spring. There are some damn nice ones though. Especially on the downstream end.
Thanks for all your responses and help !!!! I'll keep ya posted on scouting progress and what Im seeing. Again, thank you guys so much for your help. Gary
I scouted that unit pretty hard last year. I will tell you there was one nasty hole where I saw to lone rams and they were big! 180? I don't know? but they were all of 175. I ended up taking a 167ish ram and those two were quite a bit longer and heavier. I had them at about 60 yds one night and got busted by the wind.
Does this nasty hole have a name maybe? I understand if you dont wanna say exactly its cool I can do my own hard work as you did and I will. Thanks, Gary
Hey Gary, Congratulations!! I have 2 friends that drew the 1st archery season in S32 last year. I was able to help 1 of them for a day and saw lots of country. Andy lives north of town and Patrick is here too. I live over by Hughs stadium. Here is my email address [email protected]
BTW, what was your point totals to draw this unit? Another friend applied this year (i'm not sure of the season) with lots of pref. points and didnt draw. He has been applying for about 16 years now! Give me a jingle.Jeff
Elkcrzy1, I saw some big rams in 2000 when I took my ram. There are 2 strains of sheep in 32. The one that was there have smaller bases, the ram I shot came from that strain. The other came in from S-34 Rampart Range Road, those are the big boys! If you see the two together you will understand the difference right now. The rampart sheep are much bigger bodied and have heavier horns. Two places to look, 1 Red Elephant, 2 Bard Peak. I got to hunt them in first archery season.
better look at acess from the bottom [I70 OR 40] ITS HAS CHANGED most of it is posted now be careful
I replied to your a email last week and it got "delayed" then returned. I'll try again tomorrow.

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