I drew nine mile/range creek sheep!


Long Time Member
Hey guys,

I just found out that I got very very lucky and drew a sheep tag with 4 points. Im in shock and didnt expect to draw for another 30 years, if ever. I drive past the unit on my way to colorado every year but never have hunted it.
Just wondering what type of hunt im in for? is it going to kick my butt as far as the country goes or is it fairly easy to get around.
Im excited to possibly harvest one of these awesome animals, but more excited just to be out with a tag in hand. Any info is greatly appreciated! :)
WOW Mr. Boot! That's very cool!
My cousin drew the tag also but he had like 15 or 16 points so it was expected for him.
I can't be of any help since I know nothing about the unit. I'll know a whole bunch more when it's over this year though. I suspect you will too.
Good luck and congratulations on an excellent tag!
Congrats One_dry!!

You are in for an awesome hunt. I had that tag in 2009. There are a lot of sheep and you can make the hunt as easy or hard as you want to make it. I killed my sheep opening day. We put in about 12 to 14 miles and went up and down several steep mountains to get him. We did see sheep right on the open face from the road that runs along the base of the mountain just south of Sunnyside. Chances are you could go down there this weekend and find sheep almost right in town. Good luck on your hunt.
LAST EDITED ON May-27-11 AT 12:50PM (MST)[p]How can you have a dry boot???
I would be so excited I would be pissing into both of them!
Congratulation...you are very, very lucky and you WILL kill a sheep in that unit. It is just a matter of how long an hard you want to hunt.
Way to go!
You are on one today! I would have wet myself too.

That's the hunt that we met on, right? It was where desert sheep hunters and rocky sheep hunter collide through a stroke of luck.... and the fact that you looked like a sheep hunter.

I could tell you were excited by the shaking of my computer!
Lol Yes, I must admit when I found out I drew, I was working in a house. I started screaming(while peeing down both legs) and ran out of the house. Moments later I turned back and all the other workers were looking out the windows and must of thought I was freaking crazy. But I dont care. :)
Thanks for the replies Ya'll, Its going to be a long few months but I need time to prepare and learn a little about sheep. I think the best part will just being out with a tag in hand. something I will probably never do again.
OK wetboots! That is much more like it!
The one thing you will quickly find out is the Sheep hunting fraternity is about as helpful of a group of individuals as you will run into, and you will have as many pairs of eyes to help you find your OIL trophy as you want! I know sheep nuts who plan a week or two of vacation every year during sheep season, just to help out people who drew, even when they don't know anyone with a permit. So feel free to ask for help in any way if you need it!

Funny story about your MM handle...So we are elk hunting and another hunter staying in our tent takes off his boots and they stink to high heaven. So we make him put the boots outside the tent, so we could sleep. One of the my buds gets up in the night to relieve himself but it is cold, so he just opens the tent flap and pisses...right into one of the boots. Realizing what he has done, he sneaks back in the sack without saying a word. In the morning the owner of the boots puts them on and says, "damn there was alot of frost out last night, cause I got dew in one of my boots!" Needless to say, we didn't have the heart to tell him the real reason for one dry boot! The dew as from another guy's lily!
Have a great holiday weekend!
Well that is absolutely SanFrantastic, as the kid and old Fonda said in On Golden Pond! You've got the tag and I know from talking with you that you jhave the knowhow and ability, so now do your thing and get er done!!! Congratulations on a tag that I wish I could have had sometime in my younger years, as a sheep hunt was always my dream adventure! PS: That story by LBH is a hoot! That isn't, by chance, how you came up with your handle is it?
Way to go Man!

Last year your LE bow Boulder bull and this year a 9-M Ram tag!

I'll drive and pay for the Lotto tix--you just pick the numbers! haha

Exciting for you!

Congrats! You lucky guy.

I hope you are planning on doing the HAC so we can all be up to date on your OIL hunt!

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
Lol I'm happy to report I didn't get my handle from littlebighorn pissin in my booty. :)
For those that have hunted sheep during november are there any secrets to finding a good ram? I'm sure alot of time will be spent behind glass and you have to cover country. I know they will be rutting and around the females. So that could help.
My limited experiences says there are no secrets, just long days of glassing to find the best ram you can. Then you have to hope that he doesn't get hankering to find a better looking ewe two mountains away! Keep looking until you find the one you want.
I think most guys find a ram they would be happy with and dump him, but it is an OIL tag, so waiting too long gets very hard on the nerves!
Congrats on a great tag. That unit is a great place to hunt sheep and you can definitely get away from the crowds, if that's the kind of hunt you are looking for. I've spent quite a bit of time down there, so if I can help out in any way, let me know.


Yes, that is when we ran into each other. It's a small world. By the way, do you know what the dates are for your daughters sheep hunt with ARRO next year? As far as I know I'm scheduled August 16th-26th.


I would take any advice you can get from TJ. He knows that unit well. I'll try and post a few photos if I can remember how.
Here are few scouting photos from 2009. The first three are from Sunnyside. As you can tell, they are right in town in the spring.




These were taken the day before the season. We were looking straight down on them over a 600 foot plus cliff.



This is the sheep that I ended up taking. As you can see, we were right in the middle of a cliff face. We ended up crawling down from there in the dark.


Those are some great pics and a beautiful ram you killed. Climbing down a cliff in the dark doesn't sound very fun but it adds to the memories!

Juice, just like on boulder last year, I'll ruin the best three hours of the morning because you slept in. just have dinner ready when we return! :)

I/we don't know of the dates yet. I'll need to see what's up with our hunt dates. I know ARRO books far in advance so maybe they have us on the books for 2013??????????
It would be a blast to travel together if they can get things worked out. My cousin, Clay, also will be going next year but I don't know his dates off the top of my head. You guys might be going at the same time. Good luck, I'm sure we'll talk before then though.



You know what a crappy tag this is so I'll be first in line to take it off your hands. I could hunt with my cousin, Cole, with a tag in MY pocket! haha

Congrats One-dry should be a great tag, I drew the same tag, and it will be great. I sent you a pm. Good luck
LAST EDITED ON May-31-11 AT 10:09PM (MST)[p]Zeke,
Are you sayin another cousin (Cole) drew a Rocky tag???
I swear you Lehi boys are all in-bread connected with the Tag dawers!!! LOL
JK! JK!! Don't Shoot! I give up!!!
Yup! Cole drew. We'll be there with one_dry_boot. well... not right WITH him. He didn't invite us! LOL
Hey, your always invited! I will even help find a ram he wants to kill. And I'll even help pack it out. But just remember, when we jump that 195 inch ram, its every little boy for himself! :)
That made me giggle! (don't "jump" your ram, one-dryboot. They are easier to hit if they're standing)

It would be my pleasure to run into you if we're there at the same time.

I don't know anything about the place, yet, but I've been told it's a huge unit so I suspect it might be easy for us to miss each other. The good thing is the sheep numbers are relatively high so we should all have an opportunity. I expect it will be a ton of fun too for all involved.


Those are sweet pictures! November can not get here fast enough, but at the same time, I have a lot to do before then.
I have got to find a way to not think about sheep all day long. Ever since I found out I drew the tag I have been very unproductive at work. Good thing im self employed or my boss would fire me! :)
I can tell by your post that you are beginning to understand what you really have. It is also apparent that you have been infected with "the fever". Unfortunately, or fortunately, November's hunt is not a cure, but will only add to your addiction! At least that is what happened to most of us. The fix is to join up with the sheep organizations and get to know others with the same malady.
That will give you a good support system...then go have the time of your life. We are all very excited for you.

Thank you for the link, I would have never known. I have a two year old son that gets a big smile and asks if we can go hunt sheep and pet them, then ends with a drawn out PlEEEESE. It would be perfect and he would love it.
I took him turkey hunting with me this year, well more like driving around in the car and he got so excited when he saw some birds. But he didnt understand why they ran off when he tried to pet them. :)
Very cool that you took him! My best hunting bud is my now 24 year old son. He has been chasing the hills with me since he was very young too. Now he pretty much kicks my trash, but there is absolutely no one I would rather be on the mountain with! (sorry Zeke). I hope you can take the family and go see some big rams!

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