I drew CO Goat and Ram tags!



I am in total shock! I just got married on Saturday, and escaped for a short honeymoon with my beautiful new bride. We got home last night, and I had a G06 and S32 ram tag waiting in the mailbox. I thought there had to be some sort of mistake, so I called the DOW this morning and it's true! I still can't believe it. What a week for me - getting married and getting a sheep and goat tag! I sure have my work cut out for me now. Lots of scouting to do, but I certainly can't neglect my duties as a new husband.
Wish me luck!
you should do that marriage thing more often...maybe next year you'll be hunting WY sheep !!

CONGRATS on all 3....
Hey guys -

Thanks for the congrats! It's been quite a week, not sure if anything will be able to top this. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures this summer (of sheep and goats), and get them posted up here.

Dan - unfortunately I think the trip to Vegas is out of the question after our honeymoon trip, but I think I'll stop at a gas station after work and buy a Powerball ticket just in case.


Congrats on the draws! Wow!!!!! both tags in the same year. Sorry you didn't connect on your bowhunt last year in Colorado. Did you see any shooters up there? That area use to kick my butt!!!!


Proverbs 3:5-6
Hey congrats on the whole week of events!! We will probably see you up on the mountain, my dad drew the G6 tag also. Good luck on getting them both!! Bownut
Very nice!!! I've been meaning to PM you back.
Looks like you wont have far to drive to scout for sheep!! Thats awesome! 2 seasons ago I helped a friend who drew S32 for the 1st archery season. I saw some great country and lots of sheep. Hopefully the wife will still let you go deer hunting in november after all this!!
Hiker - Yup, I am super excited to get both of those tags. That deer hunting area definitely kicked my butt last year too, so you aren't alone. I did see a handful of pretty nice bucks up there, but all those were viewed through glass and I wasn't able to close the distance on them. Still had fun, and saw some beautiful country.

Bohuntinnut - Thanks for the congrats on all my recent events! Congrats to your dad as well. Hope to see you guys up there scouting, and best of luck.

Jeff - I'm definitely close for scouting for sheep. I'm only about 15 minutes from one edge of the unit, so that's going to come in handy. I knew I moved up there for a reason. I'm certainly still hoping I can head out deer hunting in November after all of this. The good news is, my new bride will be going back to school in the fall, and she is anticipating being very, very busy. Hopefully that means I can sneak out of the house and give her some peace and quiet for studying :) Let me know if you draw your tag, and I'll do the same.


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