I don't get it


Day before the election and the last post on the political forum was some time around midnight.

I was sure it would be a hornets nest in here today. Is everyone hunting?


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Not hunting, unless you count hunting for a rabbit hole to hide in as hunting.


Hunting for a decent republican but got skunked. That seems to be an oxymoron these days.

If the Rs win now then they will screw things up worse and we will be voting dems back in again. It's a vicious circle. How can you not blame w for this mess when he was sooo bad that everyone went out and voted a dem in?

Thanks stupid.

I have not talked to many people who disagree that W was not a good president. Now ask yourself this, since Jan. 2007 the Democrats have controlled all spending bills and all committees in both houses of congress. Has your life improved in those 3 1/2 years? Mine has not, that is nearly the length of one complete presidential term.

There are many good Republicans out there. The problem is that you are letting the media keep your attention on people like O'Donnell, who cannot win. You should be more conerned with those who will win. I have had my life affected far more by those who actually won their races than by those who lost. The winners concern me greatly.

Bush is looking real good right now. Try Clinton exported all of our manufacturing to China and Frank/Dodd forced the banks to loan mortgages to people making $6 an hour at WalMart and illegals. Try Pelosi and Ried jamming a multi trillion dollar healthcare and stimulus down the country's throat. You had your chance to gloat and it was a massive failure. Get ready to whine about the next Bush for about 12 more years.
Gleninaz- sometimes I think your starting to think about why things are as they are, and then you throw up a post like that, the biggest culprits in this recession are the rightwingers of the Bush administration. The war spending, the unafordable tax cuts,(most of which went to the same people that screwed the country) and an unsustainable healthcare mess. You really don't get it, do you?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-10 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]Piper,

At what point do the Dems own anything? They have held congress since the 2006 elections and they have funded every war request, passed a Health Care bill that was worse than doing nothing.

In addition they have not even taken the time to change the underlying structure that led the the debacle.

I get it that you don't like anything Right Wing but if one side had all the answers they would always be in power. The only time things are good in this country is when power is divided so there can be a meeting the middle.

Glen how do you figure Clinton exported our jobs to China? check that out a little.

I think way too much focus is put on our domestic politics when it comes to the economy, maybe nobody has noticed but we're in a global economy. if Obama has to own the economy today then Bush has to own the economy 2 years ago, if that's how we're going to play the game who is worse? where is the advantage? are the republicans really capible of fixing this? this mess started before 2007 so trying to tie it to congress is as big of waste of time as linking it to a president. besides, since we elected all of them both republican and democrat isn't there some point at which WE have some responsibility? scapegoats are valuble tools politically but they solve few problems for us in real life.

When one party or the other can step up with a platform of something other than we suck less I'll have some hope for this nations future, until then it's just a bad reality show.
I'm hoping that's them all receiving word from tax-paid doctors that they all have AIDS.

I wouldn't shed no tear.

Believe its time for that freak from Frisco to stop dishonouring the Speaker of the House chair and go back to creating junkie shelters in her own district, what she's good at, but this time with only her constituents money to play with.

Good for Rand Paul in Kentucky!

I'll be Nailin Palin in no time!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
She's Hot, ain't she!?!
I want to invite her for a hunt.
With no-one else.

>Gleninaz- sometimes I think your
>starting to think about why
>things are as they are,
>and then you throw up
>a post like that,
>the biggest culprits in this
>recession are the rightwingers of
>the Bush administration. The
>war spending, the unafordable tax
>cuts,(most of which went to
>the same people that screwed
>the country) and an unsustainable
>healthcare mess. You really
>don't get it, do you?

Unaffordable tax cuts??????????????????? Why would we keep giving more money to people that waste it and Lie about it.

Pretty simple thinking, but, that is what boggles my mind. Every time a politician asks for more money I think about all they waste. Only a total idiot would give them more to waste, but, idiots vote.

Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-10 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]Fellas;

I know I harp about getting out of the wars to save young peoples lives.


Wouldn't we be way better off financially , if we stopped these wars today.
We won't accomplish any thing with these wars , any more than we did with any of the wars since WW2.

We can't afford these wars and no politician is calling for a halt to the war. We can't win, with our present rules of engagement. We are loosing good young people , to the point that it is old news. " Dancing With The Stars " gets a lot of attention , but another dead soldier , is old news.

Every Police Officer or Fireman who dies in the line of duty
gets a huge parade of loyal camarads , I truely believe that is justified and needs to happen to honor the ones who give it all!


When a young warrior dies, no flag at half mast , in all the cities in America, and no special parade , it's old news.

Get us out of these crazy wars , and use the money saved to build this country. We can't afford this war any longer, money or people lost !

I doubt we'll ever stop trying to force the world to see things our way until we're broke. that may not be too long.

Many former officers have said america will be at war in one place or another until the draft is reinstated. when it's a kid who didn't choose to go to war being sent americans will take it serious because it might be their kid going to boot camp.
Dude-I am obviously older than you. I was in the food industry for 30 years and my manufacturers were hammered by Sam Walton to move to China. Hillary was on the WalMart board and I watched Bill Clinton give a speech about why he was opening all trade with China. He promised it would be a net gain for American jobs. Sam Walton personally forced several of our manufacturers who refused to relocate into bankruptcy and the Chinese bought all of their equipment at the BK auctions. There was an excellent Frontline piece on this very subject and it was spot on. I know for a fact that Clinton caused the offshoring of the American middle class. Carry on.
Piper-even a high school kid that can use google understands that the economy collapsed because of the housing crash. That stole the wealth of most Americans and was caused by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd forcing banks to loan mortgage funds to people on the "stated income" rule which meant the illegal next door to me bought a house by saying he earned $60000 a year when he was making $7 an hour in landscaping. Deregulation helped by allowing derivative trading but that did not come from Bush. Dodd was pushing for special concessions on regulations for his banking buddies like Countrywide. Bush was bad in that he pushed the medicare freebies so I was not a fan of his either by the end of his term.
Franks and Dodd- forced the banks into giving loans to people that made 7 bucks an hour? and that caused the recession? you are unreal. And tell me how paying twice as much for health care as any other country doesn't hurt the economy? (before the health care bill)
Are you serious? You think healthcare costs took the economy down? It was derivative trading on bad mortgages in the trillions that bagged the economy. Ever hear of AIG and what they do for a living? How about insuring mortgages that turned out to be a pig in a poke.
Glen offshoring started years ago, at no time did it grow faster than under Bush. we saved the US auto industry, were you in favor of that? if not then you're as guilty as anyone. until americans give a crap where things are made and buy american when they can its over the top hypocritical to blame any politician.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-10 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-10 AT 11:12?AM (MST)

Offshoring was going to happen regardless of which party was or is in power. Labor costs, ease of doing business, less restrictive enviromental requirements etc, etc all led to offshoring.

We don't want corporations here, remember they are all evil, because our tax code rewards offshoring and that is a bipartisan effort. In addition we cannot fight a trade war any longer because we are out of ammo.

Our infrastructure is less efficient than other country's, our education system is second rate and Piper is right that our health care system is over priced, underperforms and holds us back.

So to believe that Democrats or Republicans can fix anything is stupid. We at least have hope now that the middle can work with each other and let the Leftwing nut cases and the Rifhtwing lunatics fight it out. There is absolutely no hope when one party controls our government.

I will say the Obama Administration has been up to this point, politically inept. I hope they figure out how they can to get the mojo back because they will still be setting policy priorities and executing those policies. If not we are only going to have far more problems.

I could not agree more.

My wonder now is what are the republicans going to do about the overspending? will they refuse to extend unemployment funding? what about health care? will they send Obama's budget back to him ? talk is cheap now lets see some action it's showtime. I predict there will be lots of yapping and little " Change " .
I hope they cut off unemployment and refuse to bail out California and New York. They keep electing liberals who give the farm to the government unions and are bankrupt. There is no reason the taxpayers in other states that are more responsible should have to pay for their mistakes. California pays over $2000 a month for unemployment and AZ pays $980. Why should we help them feed at the trough?
I'm not sure you should. the question is will the baggers or republicans for that matter do as they say they will do and balance the budget or not? since they doubled the debt in the good times I find it hard to believe they have the guts to do it now.

We'll see, from now on just saying no will come at a price if it's not backed up with a solution. fun time is over.
Dude the funny part is now the GOP majority house have the power to put Obama and the Dems in the Senate in the position of saying "no" to bills they sponser that the people will want and expect.
Obama will have to go along with it, as will enough Democrats in the Senate or face the angry voters again in 2012. I believe 22 Dem. Senators come up for re-election in 2012.

I have heard several political experts express the ideal that Obama may not be willing to meet in the middle and sign bills that go against his left wing liberal leanings. If he does this, he will be toast next election and so will any Democrats that go along with his policies.

That can be construed as "what goes around, comes around" and he may regret the day that he used the term " the no party' when referring to the GOP.

What will decide the issue is his personal pride more important to him, or will it be common sense that wins out on which track he will follow,


I don't think there will be an other cleaning house as we have just seen.

After the new Tea Bag folks are just as stimied by the real world as the democrates are, then the Tea Bag folks will see very little change and as far as follow our lead or we will vote you out. See how the new replacements do.

Arizona just voted in a man named Quayle, and he is a major class BOZO, BUT he is a republican.

I wonder how long it will be until the Tea Party , figures out they were played by the Republican party , like a song.

Don't get me wrong , I REALLY hope this new group of politicans can and will get the job done.

President Obama is far from being ousted by any Republican they have trotted up so far, but I hope we get a choice with 2 good canidates , ready , willing , able , and with enough guts to do the job , as a leader has to do!

Sorry , RELH , it's just what I think.

RELH what are the republicans going to bring to the table? tax cuts is the only answer they have for anything. what if Obama gives them what they ask for? what if it doesn't work? they're not going to try anything they'll just stop Obama and say they saved us.

You better hope doing nothing really is the answer because nothing is what we're going to get now. most of the time the less DC does the better off we are but in the new world economy we're going to get steam rolled if we pick our butts too long while everyone else moves on.
Dude, I think the bush tax cut will be one of the first items bought out. What may happen is Obama agreeing to sign it as a continuation of the tax cuts for the so called middle class and a extension of 1-2 years for the over 250K which will include small business owners to help create new jobs and hiring.

Common sense will dictate he will sign it. If he fails to meet half way, the GOP will use it against him as failing to help create new jobs here.

Also they will hit him with changes in the health care bill to delete the items that irked the voters such as mandatory insurance and the regulations concerning forcing business to drop insurance, by getting hit with higher cost for their employees, to force federal goverment involvement in health care insurance. Obama may balk on this one for he wants a socialized insurance program runned by the feds and most folks have not bought this program yet for fear the feds will screw it up as they have done in the past.

They will try to stop his "Cap & Trade" policy and there is even some Dem. Senators that will side with the GOP on this one. Those Senators will be the ones from the coal producing states like W. Virginia, Penn., Ohio and other states with large mining operations.

I hope the GOP keeps their promise and downsizes the goverment and the new house speaker has stated this will be on the table because the people have shown they will expect it.

The telling advent that will show if Obama is willing to meet in the middle and work with the GOP will be him replacing certain advisors with new people as his top advisor has asked him to do and break away from some of the advosors that have shown to be too liberal in thinking and given him bad advice that was totally rejected by the people.

If he does not do that, he will stick by his liberal adgenda, and all hell will break loose with inhouse fighting and he will be a one term president.


Steve, you have aright to your opinion, I just do not adgree with it fully.
The first bill on healthcare should include torte reform, interstate competition, eliminating the new 1099 requirement that burdens business and defunding the 16000 new IRS/Health agents. It will be interesting to see how Obama and the senate handle that one.
How sure are you american voters would not back Obama in cutting tax cuts for those making over 250K ? if Obama went to the mat on this and the republicans held firm who would be the bad guy? don't take this election as a showing that americans are in love with republicans it was just a showing they're pizzed at the government.

Nobody should forget that in the last poll democrats in congress had a 10 point higher approval rating than republicans ( 41%), it's the anti incumbent fever that killed the dems. now that we have more republicans guess who the bell tolls next election.

With power comes accountability just ask Obama, the fun days of sitting on the sideline and kabitching are over it's showtime for the republicans and they better watch out.
I have yet to see an accredited economist that advocates increasing taxes during a recession. Fact is that rich people hire poor people.
It's not really a tax increase it's an expiration of a cut.

While we're on tax history who ever heard of tax cuts during a war or two anyway? is it safe to say they ever should have been inacted? cut taxes during a war and double the debt give me some more of that stuff it's not only brilliant but it worked so well. the conservatives not only love to start wars they want to make it painless, maybe we would have thought harder about attacking Iraq if it had been a pay as you go move, meaning a tax increase of course.
The problem is that we cannot undo the past. The taxcuts had an expiration date for a reason. The wars are started and continue and we are going to continue them as long as they are deemed necessary.

Unfortunately our countries leaders define "rich" in a very dumb way. It is done in way that captures many, many smaller businesses who can be the driver of new jobs. One thing that could be done immediately is to raise taxes but exempt the firt million bucks. The rich should pay more and must pay more but the economics on the ground do not support draining money away from that portion of the economy that actually can grow here in the U.S.

Don't tax capital improvements, capital investmens, capital gains.

When they talk about taxes on those making $250.000 or more a year, are they talking about personal income? Business income is different. no? can't business owners get along on two hundred thousand a year personal income, and cant they invest the rest in their business and write much of it off? Some of this is confusing me because I couldn't imagine making 250 thousand a year in personal income, or a million a year, sorry but that is somewhat amazing to me. Im in a different world than most of you I guess.
Some years I go over the 250k but not this year, I don't recall ever thinking I'd just bag it if I had to pay another 4%. don't get me wrong I hate taxes as much as anyone but if you're raking in 250K + it's just nonsense to say you're going to throw in the towel over a little more taxes.

If we cut taxes on business to zero we couldn't compete with the chinese, thats just a fact. Trump is a goofy haired idiot to a large degree but it's hard to argue with him about Hop Sing, if Trump runs for president I'll vote for him. sooner or later we have to stop fighting amoung ourselves and realize the real threat to our economy and way of life.

I wonder who his Vice Apprentice might be if he runs? Maybe Donald Jr. -- be better than what we have now!

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