I don?t get it?



I just got back from Murder?s creek, just south of Dayville, well, the road at the bottom of the hill (winter range) was locked, now I understand why it would be closed during the late Nov hunt, but I don't get why during the Bow hunt, only reason I can come up with is they (Game n Fish) want to hold unto as much of the elk as possible so they can tote it as a good hunt unit again, or continue to sell more tags? (Side note, Sarcasms is implied)?

Anyways, so I began my accent, 3 hours later I reach the timber, mind you I'm 52 and my knees are getting old, now, I know some of you young whippersnappers gonna dis-me on the road closure thing, but tell me if they close it due to road hunters, or if some one road hunts with a bow isn't that a ridiculous thought?

Anyways after walking straight up for 3 hours then walking 2 miles more looking for sign (was none) so nevertheless a little frustrated and confused by their reasoning on where they close the roads an why, I headed back to town.

I never have claimed to be an elk expert Lord knows I've been a muley fanatic since 1980, so I never paid much attention to elk, till 7 years ago, so much my fault.

I've been hunting elk in Oregon for 4 years now and have yet to hear a bull call or a bull answer a call, this morning I headed over at the north east corner of the unit and glassed up some cows no bulls, so I headed home thinking Oregon sucks, does anybody think it was too early an should I give it another week ? any thoughts?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 11:27PM (MST)[p]well, I'm guessing you're talking about the road from the hwy up to the ponds under Aldrich? If so, that road has been closed for years.

You have to try pretty hard to not get a bull to bugle in 4 years. Friends have been bugling bulls since the season started.
I have learned if I want to find elk I need to be away from all roads, then I might hear them. I am 51 so I know what you mean by our old bones a getting sore.
Manny, the last week will be the best if you can avoid pressure. Some of my buddies always hunt the third week and call in bulls. They tell me where they hunt the pressure shuts them up the last week.

If you have a 3 hour hike in the AM, start 3 hours before light. Some of my best days chasin the rut began with bugles well before daylight. Actually thats the norm.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-09 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]The road going up into the Murderers Creek flats by the ranch house is usually closed year round. The closure is usually violated in the spring when shed hunters ride ATV's all over that lower winter range.

The Flat Creek road was open a couple years ago. It had been closed, but they built a new bridge down on the river and you can drive to within a mile or two of the ponds.

My hunting partner lives in Canyon City and has been out to west Murds Cr several times during the last week, hasn't seen much of anything. They had a feral horse roundup a couple weeks before archery season and all the activity probably moved the elk down onto private. He said the ranches on the west end of Bear Valley are loaded with elk right now!

Good luck!
>AT 11:27?PM (MST)

>well, I'm guessing you're talking about
>the road from the hwy
>up to the ponds under
>Aldrich? If so, that road
>has been closed for years.
>You have to try pretty hard
>to not get a bull
>to bugle in 4 years.
>Friends have been bugling bulls
>since the season started.

there abouts, had a new lock and some fresh welding....
"They had a feral horse roundup a couple weeks before archery season and all the activity probably moved the elk down onto private. He said the ranches on the west end of Bear Valley are loaded with elk right now!"

gee you think the timing was Coincidental ? not!

assuming we're talking the same area, near Aldurich, (not the corals) i've not seen the ponds...I'm not sure if i was using battle crk or smokey for my accent...I don't have a topo only a unit map.

do they (ponds) dry up, cause i was back in there tree years ago mid Nov and saw dry ponds?..
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