I consider every animal



LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-09 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]a true trophy, whether it's a small doe, to a puny little 2 point buck or a nice 5x5 with a 28 inch spread.
Every animal, deer or elk that I've taken have all been true trophies to me.

Each one helps me remember certain seasons, certain things, great memories and so much more.

Sorry guys, I might be whatever you think here, but I honestly don't need a monster bull or buck every year or any year to enjoy my hunting and it is NOT the reason I hunt.

Granted, I would love to see and have the oppurtunity at one and I've taken some decent bucks and bulls, but it's not why I hunt.

Now I hunt to teach my kids the values and respect I hold in nature and wildlife. To teach them how to respect mother nature, appreciate the things they are offered, and to accept the things they are NOT offered as well. But most of all to enjoy the whole aspect of hunting and all the things it's really about.

The biggest loser fraud thread made me start thinking about this and if that is all true, it's a very sad story about that young man and what he did and went through to project the image he did.

Dutch,I agree with you a 100%.I am very lucky and fortunate to not only have been able to teach my son and 2 daughters about shooting,hunting and the responsibilites that go with it but now get to help teach my grandchildren.The memories are priceless.I have more fun taking them out jackrabbit hunting or just shooting at cans than I do hunting anymore.To see the looks on my granddaughters faces when they hit the cans with their BB guns is something I will always cherish.I have 10 grandchildren,ages from 10yrs.old to 9 days old.Just got 2 new grandsons this month,giving me 3 grandsons and 7 granddaughters.I have killed my fair share of good mule deer bucks back in the 60's and 70's and a few since then.I used to think it was all about killing the big one.Now,the killing part plays second fiddle to being with the grandkids and help in the teaching of them about hunting,fishing and being able to appreciate what we really are able to enjoy.I needed this thread as a reminder of what is really important to me.Thanks(ROD)
Another +1,
I am always thankful at the end of every hunt to have just had the opportunity to be out enjoying the outdoors and hunting. Its not always about the kill. How many people do you think would love to be out there that aren't able?

Success is failure that tried one more time
I'd second what you said......except I'm in 7th or 8th place. I love big antlers but the opportunity to be part of the real world is part of life.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'm right there with you. I take photos of all my kills and sometimes I take heat from my buddies if it is a doe or a smaller animal. I don't care, I still look back fondly on all those hunts/kills. I even have a plaque with the little rack from my first buck hanging in my man-cave. My wife gives me crap about it but I'm proud of every hunt I've been on and every animal that I've taken. To each their own.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln

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