I cleaned house in 2010...



LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-10 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]Even with some draws in AZ and MT pending, I think I could give anyone a run for their money on the number of premium tags drawn this year (if anyone did better I'd love to hear about it). Ahem:

WY Antelope Unit 60
WY Deer Unit 102
NM Antelope Unit 11 (Muzz)
NM Elk Unit 17 (Early Muzz)
NM Deer Unit 28 (Late Rifle) CORRECTED 2b not 28
CO 3rd Season Rifle Deer (Undisclosed Unit)

Given the draw odds for most of these units, I have yet to fathom how I was able to draw all 6. For several years I have applied for approx 30 tags in at least 8 different states. I have drawn 3 good tags in the last 4 years, but up until now, I have never drawn more than one tag in any single year.

Best part is, I'm sitting on 5 weeks of banked vacation and my job offers me the flexibilty to take time off when I really need it. Did I mention that the company I work for also owns the largest manufacturer of commercial ammunition and hunting products in the world and has a great employee purchase program?
what ranch did u draw for antelope in unit 11 in nm? i know taht area very well and will be camping/hunting that very area when ur antelope hunt is going on.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I think that I can rival you, because I wouldn't trade my 1 tag for all 6 of those.


>I think that I can rival
>you, because I wouldn't trade
>my 1 tag for all
>6 of those.
>RIFLE TAG!!!!!!

HA! BURN!!!!
Got some serious ##### going on in my camp, too Green_Bronco. Ditto your 5 full weeks of vacation with me.......alllll paid.

1. CO Muley 3rd season unit 53......mmmmmm given the late dates and gene pool of this area.......TERRIFIC! cost=6 pref pts

2. Utah pronghorn Bookcliffs, South rifle....a few record book bucks plus a top 10 over the last 11 years. I shot the top 10.

3. Nevada 012-014 Northern Washoe County for 2 weeks in August.....loooooong history of mid 80's bucks. This is the place and has been for 25 years. 1 in 50 odds or so for this tag even with my points.

4. Nevada bull 076-081 in November in fairly open PJ/sage county. 400's killed there last fall.........Should find a 350+ bull on this tag that I drew with 1 in 170 odds or better.

Arizona results ain't in yet and with my luck I'll draw the Strip and have to make a decision for my November time. I'd definitely prefer a point and a refund for this one.

My house is considered clean dude.......
I cleaned house too....My wife was pissed cause I did a crappy job....good luck on your hunts while I clean house again....then I get to go huntin' for Deer and Elk with over-the-counter tags starting 15 Sept. ending Nov.
Still....come on.....Henries tag!!!

COST = 1 POINT !!!!!

ODDS = 1 in 10,571.

I also drew my unit 59 WY Antelope tag, CO archery elk tag (undisclosed location) and my 3rd season rifle deer tag in CO (also undisclosed location).
did you use huntinfool 2dogs ????

I can't compete with that, but I do have the following

WY Elk general
MT Either sex Moose
NM Once/Lifetime Rhodes Canyon Oryx
SD Special Buck (WT or MD)
KS Archery WT

I am a nonresident in all those states.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-10 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]How does Utah Central region deer with the Dedicated Hunter program stack up?
Delmag. I thought SD special was only for residents? Can non resisdents get this. I have jsut been building points for west river and BH.

Correct, Special Buck is Resident only in East River.

West River is Resident and NonResident. Keep in mind they are only valid on private lands!
I will play. Co muzz tag with 2 points:) I am pumped!! Cant wait for a high country backpack hunt!!!
>what ranch did u draw for
>antelope in unit 11 in
>nm? i know taht area
>very well and will be
>camping/hunting that very area when
>ur antelope hunt is going
>ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde
>ego sum bardus (I participate
>on monstermuleys therefore I am

I drew the smallest (only 1,200 acres) out of what looks like 21 ranches on the unit. It looks like there is plenty of water available, so maybe it will be big enough to hold a good buck. I don't have the name of the ranch in front of me, but I remember it is near Manuelito Place.
I'll have to wait until the end of the season to know if I would rather have had one Henry's tag...

That is an interesting scenario, though. Would you trade a number of good tags for one great tag? I would be torn if it came down to something like a Henry's deer or a sheep tag.
Well now you guys suck! OR Antelope NO! OR Deer NO! OR Elk NO! OR Sheep NO! WY Antelope Leftover Maybe! WY Deer NO!
AK Moose hunt NO! I'm now going to go have some milk and cookies, and cry myself to sleep! Thanks alot!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-10 AT 01:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-02-10 AT 01:48?AM (MST)
"did you use huntinfool 2dogs ????"

Only a teensie-weensie bit. I'm fairly well networked and experienced with huntin the west. This is a part of whackin big animals IMHO. It used to be the ONLY way of gettin' good info.......you actually had to talk to people!!!

I've wanted to hunt Northern Washoe for 25 years. It was famous back then. I'm just now lucky in the draw, but I'll take it?

I used MuleyCrazy for the muley unit recommendation. Believe me.....I worship every last thing that Ryan says and believes.......
I'm with Longun on this one. I cleaned house only my wife was shocked! Than I drew some stick figures with my 4 year old but she got pissed because I couldn't stay in the lines. And so far, I will be hunting right next to Fishon with my coveted Central Region Rifle tag that I probably won't even hunt because my daughter has the same tag and I would rather her pull the trigger than me.

Does that rival the Henry tag or the Ram tag?

It's always an adventure!!!
I didn't draw any tags in 2010.

So that means I'll just have to hunt OTC dall sheep, brown bear, mountain goat, blacktail deer, moose, caribou and if I have time some calling for wolves :D.

Damn the luck of not drawing any tags!
Okay, I will play,

Oregon-Lookout Mt. Deer
Oregon-Willamette tag (blacktail tag 6 month season)
Colorado Unit 70-3rd season deer
Montana combo deer/elk
Nevada unit 33 Sheldon antelope

I did not draw a tag last year, had to buy voucher and picked up deer/elk montana on the alternates list. I would trade them all in right now to be Marley!!!!!

Sorry fellas. No I did not draw a 680 tag. I totally misunderstood the original post. If I were to have any tag that would trump a Henrys deer tag it would be a Breaks sheep tag. Trust me, if and when I get a unit 680 tag. you guys will never here the end of it.
lucky! thats awesome you get 5 weeks paid vacation to be out hunting! just must say i envy you!
My NM Deer hunt is Unit 2B, not 28. Not sure where 28 is, but I'm sure 2B is a little better (Yes, its still not a Henry's tag).

The 2010 WY draw odds show those antelope and deer units each had 11% odds for those with max points.

NM hasn't posted their 2010 odds, but in 2009 the elk, deer, and antelope odds for those units were something like 4%, 4%, and 1%. I'm sure the change to require you to front the whole tag fee helped improved the odds, but I'd bet there still in the low double digits.
Marley,big congrats on the tag. You had better kill a monster and don't forget the pictures and story.

Same goes for you Green-Bronco.Wow to have all those HQ&HD tags totally awesome.You the man.

Joe E Sikora
Alls I got is this lousy stone sheep hunt then I'll have to spend a month on the Henry Mt looking for giant bucks to kill in Oct.
>Got some serious ##### going on
>in my camp, too Green_Bronco.
> Ditto your 5
>full weeks of vacation with
>me.......alllll paid.

I hate when you think you have a good hand and find out you got out gunned.

I had the okay from the wife and quit my job today to focus on my Wyoming 141 Deer and my Wasatch elk tag. It looks like I will be cleaning house a little between scouting and hunting for the next couple months.

Good luck to all you.
Well I saw the Henries while scouting for my Dirty Devil Desert Sheep hunt. Luckily I didn't draw moose or sheep here in Montana and kind of hoping I don't draw special deer or elk either. I think one Big Time tag like a desert sheep is enough to cocentrate on in one year. Still have my deer and elk tags (over the counter here in MT) and the three kids want me to spend time with them so the can hunt also. I kind of think watching one of my kids tag their first big game animal ranks right up there with drawing any of the best tags out there!!!
Congrats! Hopefully you wont have to purchase too much ammunition. With all your luck you should need only 6 shots.

I agree with some of the others though. I would rather have 1 premium tag to spend the entire season focusing on one animal than 6 where you will spend little time in each. With 6 tags, its gonna be tough to give any one tag much focus. Good luck.

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