I caveman



Did anybody see this show lastnight. Basically Morgan Spurlock does this experiment where he a has a mixed bag of people try and live like cavemen for 10 days. The last show basically shows this group killing a ranch bull with a spear. Wondering if anyone else saw it and what you thought. I think the premise was kinda cool but not reality by any means.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I saw it. Good right up until they showed the herd of a 100 velvet bulls, some with ear tags viewable. You knew right then what was going to happen and the show lost all its credibility.
I also saw it and I'm not sure I believe that little spear actually killed that bull. It stuck in his neck about an inch and just dangled there. I wonder if they put him down (Off camera) so he didn't run away wounded.
I think it was deceptive how they presented it. It made me laugh. Especially when they were gutting the elk and the other bulls were like 100 yards away watching them. The odds of those obviously inexperienced people killing a wild elk with the weapons they had were, I'd guess, statistically zero.
Yeah the bulls in the bachground made me laugh my ars off. Did you see how all the bulls grouped up right before that guy threw the spear? The bulls were cofused cuz they weren't unloading hay bails. They had to be hot as crap in those furs in the middle of the summer!

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
About the dumbest show I have ever seen.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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Yea, like that little spear snagged in its neck really killed it. I'm sure a gun shot was edited out of that ridiculous program. Pretty pathetic. When the bull was lying there dying, they were throwing their spears into its back.

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