"I can't stop my car!"......


Long Time Member
Does anyone but me find these incidents anything but stupid?

Why would you not either put the thing in neutral or shut off the engine, or both?

In my opinion, the first thing the Highway Patrolman should have done, after finally getting the car stopped, was to tear up this retards drivers license.

Thirty miles on the freeway, whining on his cell phone....seriously?
In Cali thats called retard setting up for a lawsuit. There is just to many dumba@@ people in this country. He should have been arrested for endangering everyone else on that freeway.
My thoughts exactly, I cannot understand why someone could not have the common sense to simply turn off the ignition. It never ceases to amaze me how many people must get up every morning and eat a big bowl of dumb ass.
Turning off the ignition would be the natural response I would think but I suppose it could present some control issues say if the steering wheel locked and you didnt have the presence of miind to turn the key or whe you lose power steering. But I agree with Nick. Why not neutral???? The car will be much easier to stop and you will still have power steering and power brakes. Maybe it just shows how dumb people are cuz they have no idea what the "N" means.
I'm right with you nickman. The guy calls 911 and doesn't even listen to what the girl is telling him to do. He kept saying he was pulling at the gas pedal but it wouldn't slow down. What most toyota owners dont realize is that there is no mechanical linkage between the pedal and the motor, it is remote controlled, it uses a radio frequency to operate the throttle. In my opinion, its the radio frequencies that are messing with the throttles. Even toyota hasn't figure out whats causing this. Pulling at the pedal wont make it slow down. Just put the damn thing in neutral, pull over to the side of the road and shut it off. I didn't even know a prius could do 90mph.
Any of you jokers ever drove a Prius?


We tried it on our comuter car the other day. Will not go in at speed. In fact you cant do much onther than put the hold back on. or what ever it is like a jake brake.

We never tried to shut if off. YOU DO NOT TURN A KEY IN A PRIUS! it is an inserted key with a push button on of.

THERE is NO PARK BREAK HANDLE either... PUSH BUTTON on that as well.

Does not change the fact that this happened in Cal. Nor that it could be a law suit in the making or other wise scam. But you guys need to actually drive on first.
and before any of you give me a bunch of crap for driving in a sissy hybrid car....

We put it to good use, I wanted to load it down with meat, but the guys that owns it thought it might dent the cab and squash the tires.....


>Any of you jokers ever drove
>a Prius?

Uh no, joker! See post #5,

Ok so the Prius is a hybrid. Maybe thats why you can't put it in Neutral. Are all the other toyotas that have had this problem the same?

>We tried it on our comuter
>car the other day. Will
>not go in at speed.
>In fact you cant do
>much onther than put the
>hold back on. or what
>ever it is like a
>jake brake.
>We never tried to shut if
>off. YOU DO NOT
>PRIUS! it is an inserted
>key with a push button
>on of.
>either... PUSH BUTTON on that
>as well.
>Does not change the fact that
>this happened in Cal. Nor
>that it could be a
>law suit in the making
>or other wise scam.
>But you guys need to
>actually drive on first.

Goddamm that sounds like a great car. No mechanical linkage to anything. Beam me frickin up scotty. What I think is downright funny as hell is that I worked in manufacturing for 15 years and we had "the Toyota model" of Lean manufacuring shoved down our throats for years. LEAN this, team that, value stream map this, Kaizen blitz that. Turns out while they may have run LEAN they also took a damm good line of vehicles and turned them into death traps and laughing stocks.
What about post 5?

Just a smart comment and a link from you?

You must have thought I was standing up for Toyota... Or that I own a Prius?

Neither is the case. I do own an 87 toyota 4X4 as my kick around/hunting truck... I assure you it has plenty of Linkage to the power train. Very easy to work on, which I seem to do quite a bit. Other than that I have always been a ford-dogde-chevy man.

Tell me BighornNV what exactly is so funny about working in manufaturing for 15 years being fed crap? Sounds to me like you are a littel bitter about it.

I was however calling out some of "you" guys that are calling this guy in Kalii and IDIOT... Or at least pointing out some ignorance about the shifting in a Prius...

Did you see the one where the Hi-way patroll officer which was off duty and driving a Lexus had the same thing happen? Killed himslef and his entire family. Think he was an Idiot as well? Think he was not trained on how to drive under stress at high speed?
Poohbear, sorry if I hit a nerve. You called us jokers cuz we haven't driven a Prius. Post 5 and the reference to it was a joke (See j-o-k-e under websters dictionary).

As for whether I'm bitter, yeah kinda. We got told how marvelous Toyota is for so long it became a slam at everyone else. Turns out they night have had the money end figured out but maybe not the safety or practicality part. I didn't manufacture cars, just the tools that build them. I've also owned a Toyota pickup back in 22R days when they weren't plastic crap with sticking throttles.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-10 AT 04:51PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-10 AT 04:48?PM (MST)

ah a Joke! I get it now.... i have seen that one before, in fact i sent it to the guy when he bought the car....
I wan't calling you a joker for not driving one, I was calling you a joker for bashing somebody for not shifting the jetsen mobile into Netral, when it won't do it according to my tests in an actual prius. thats all. Like maybe there is actually something to all this crap about the new Toyota's beign a death trap....

I see that it suposidly happened again today in New York...

I might need to rethink my comuting rig..
Keep in mind that in at least some of the cases where the Toyora bug has caused an accident, they aren't always on the freeway with unlimited amounts of time to figure out how to deal with the problem. If it happens in an intersection, before you know it you've crashed....

Absolutely true 257. And in the heat of the moment I certainly have not always thought rationally and acted as I thought I would or should have.
"And in the heat of the moment I certainly have not always thought rationally and acted as I thought I would or should have."

Gosh, this applies to that "gorgeous bimbo" you met at the bar last Friday night.... right Big?

Made you want to test drive a Toyota when you saw her in the morning?

That what I read.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"I wonder if Toyotas built in Japan and sold in Japan are having the same problem?"

Possibly a little retaliation for 8-6-1945?.....Terry

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