I can't do it...


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-07 AT 12:55PM (MST)[p]I can't eat Boss Hawg...er..I mean BESS Hawg. I just can't. Just got off the phone w/the meat cutting people. I told them to switch the meat out for some other pig close to his size. I just can't eat him. :-( He was a really good pig, not a lot of fat on him at all, but I don't care. My son and I just can't eat him. We'll eat pork, but not good ol' Bo(e)ss Hawg.

I'm a wuss, huh?
Haa haa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa haaa hha hhha hhhhhaaaaaaa!1

Hoooooo heeeehhaaa haaa haaa haa haaa ahaaa!

Ohhhhh!! All that making fun of me for not wanting to eat Bingo and here it comes back to you full circle! YOU ARE HILARIAOUS!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I just talk tough but you know I'm not always so tough, Roy. LOL I would've busted him out of Chuck's Meats yards if I hadn't already known how hard that sumbeech was to load. ;-)
We used to feed an extra steer and hog with our 4-H animals for butchering. Remembering their face just made them that much sweeter. Especially after chasing them around when they got out and overall taking care of them for 6 months.
You're going to end up eating him......

You may not know it, but it'll be him.

Accept it. Or take a Happy pill.

But you'll make him sizzle one morning......

No doubt.


"Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood."
- Vincent; Pulp Fiction

For crying out loud , take the skirt off , what are you a, a women? O'h , Triplek , it's you , sorry bout that....Yeah better switch the swine...

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