I blame all you guys!


Very Active Member
I'm addicted to MonsterMuleys.com! I just have to check it and see who has killed a monster muley on a general tag. Who has killed a big bull with a bow. Or who has posted some really kool pics!

Hope you guys and gals had a Happy Thanksgiving!
I agree it is addicting ........ even with all the ?grinches? on here !!! Not sure how I ever came across this site but it's definitely been interesting to say the least ! Happy holidays

LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-19 AT 08:47AM (MST)[p]Ain't no Grinches on this sight..and that's why I'm expecting a generous Christmas Present from every individual on MM under my tree Christmas morning....
By the way in case you don't know what to get me..here's my Wish List:
New GPS with updated maps showing Topo Public and Private land
New Leica 12 power Binos
New phone and phone scope adapter

I know you guys can handle that much...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-19 AT 07:49PM (MST)[p]Hey Longun, do you want those Leica binocs in black or camo? Want to make sure I get the right ones! :D :D :D
>AT 08:47?AM (MST)

>Ain't no Grinches on this sight..and
>that's why I'm expecting a
>generous Christmas Present from every
>individual on MM under my
>tree Christmas morning....
>By the way in case you
>don't know what to get
>me..here's my Wish List:
>New GPS with updated maps showing
>Topo Public and Private land
>New Leica 12 power Binos
>New phone and phone scope adapter
>I know you guys can handle
>that much...


I'm planning on getting you something every bit as nice as what I got you last year. No worries.


>Ain't no Grinches on this sight..and
>that's why I'm expecting a
>generous Christmas Present from every
>individual on MM under my
>tree Christmas morning....


What's your address?

I'll leave a flaming sack on your porch!

Put it out with your boot and put your boot under the tree till Christmas day! }>

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