I applied at the last minute!



I got online about a month ago to apply and remembered all those fags on this website that moaned and complained about extended draws due to irresponsible slackers waiting for the last moment. I quickly closed my browser and set a reminder in my phone for 10 pm march 3 rd. Well I just spent well over an hour applying on that bogged down system and the f'ing thing never crashed. I was hoping to come on here and brag about helping to crash the system and how I got an extra day to apply but alas..... All my devious planning was thwarted by a system that wouldn't die....

I guess at least I can say I have one more quality everyone here can hate. Yep u guesses it, I waited till the last minute to apply and got applied for every species possible. Even sweeter was the fact that I submitted my payment at 11:09 pm!

I amaze myself at the lengths I will travel just to piss off some of these better than thou overly ethical hunters who are just plain better than everyone else.

Just wanted to let everyone know! :)

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I got out of bed at 10:53 and started my Bear App at 10:54 on Feb. 23rd. Finished and submitted payment at 10:56 to make the 11:00 deadline. That is the closest I have been.
One of these years your wife will set your clock back and really **** you!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I was getting mine done at the last hour also. Must have been more than just us because that server was smoking pretty good. Now if you REALLY want to ruffle feathers, if the DWR keeps the draw open for a couple days come on here and make a reminder post about it. Everyone will short circuit as if it will change odds from .0001 to .00001.

You Boys are always on top of the Pile!

I'm down there so deep they can't find me!

Good Luck Guys!

I hope somebody Draws something!

We gonna have some fun with somebody again in 2011!!!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Stink, I hope like hell you draw the Henries tag!!! I will personally come to the hunt and be the camp B-itch!! LMAO

Good luck all you in the draw, I did not apply. I did not even apply for points. I need to get organized or these new kids are going to allow me to miss a lot of draws this spring!! I cant let that happen!!:)

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