I am proposing!



No no no not like that. I have a new proposal though. It seems these days that near everyone is Pro or anti wolf. I, for myself, can say i love all animals. i think they have a place somewhere......these particular wolves,in canada not the US. as they are not Timber wolves. But they are here and Quite obviously need to be "Managed" as with any other animal. No one throws a fit that arizona and new mexico's elk are Rocky mountain elk and not Merriams elk. SO management, if anyone here disagrees that they must be managed then you probably dont belong here. FYI By management i mean hunted. This is my proposal:

I frequent the anti's sites often to know better how they think. And everything is blamed on man. It is all our fault....according to them. Human expansion takes over Wildlife habitat causing problems. I mean if it is there place not ours what right do we have to kill them? Well here we go folks.... For the liberal limp-wristed wolf lovers out there, I propose you get all your wolf loving friends together out in the sticks, in the wolf woods. And conduct and mass suicide, They might as well be a cult, right. By doing so,many homes will not be built and land will not be developed hence fixing the problem that you, even though you wont see it, are part of....a problem you can help solve. So now are you wolf loving folks willing to sacrifice your livelyhood for the wolf? Cuz i know alot of folks that arent either.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Good proposal. Unfortunately some here don't want management but complete annihilation of them. Yeah, I know, it'll never happen but they really do think that. It's all or nothing with them or they will....um.....err....do something like shoot at a wolf/coyote/neighbors dog if they see one from their 1983 Ford Ranger. For those of us for management of wolves then we must be wolf loving hippies. I'm just trying to let you know what you are up against. I'm on your side. As far as I'm concerned the Park can have them until they cross the boundary but I don't make the decisions. Call me a wolf lover.

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