I am not in support of shed hunting restrictions but Im sure the people who are breaking the existing laws are. Think about it, they will have that time or place to themselves while those that follow the laws go without. We do not need new laws as some of you have stated before, we need to enforce existing ones. That is the problem, we do not have enough division workers to patrol. I feel this is where we can help by reporting problems when we see them. I am not a nark, but you can bet I am going to turn into one because it is now effecting me. This problem dosen't effect me directly, but it does indirectly. I shed hunt in central and southern Utah. You can bet we will see more pressure in some of these areas where there is no restrictions, yet...... I am like one of the gentlemen that responded earlier, I have been shed hunting since the early 1990's and have only witnessed one time where mule deer were being harrassed on the Bookcliffs. I have not been back in the last five years. I feel part of the problem is the ATV users driving in restricted areas. Don't get me wrong, I love my Grizzly, but in stays on the roads. I have witnessed people abusing this and I will report it in the future. I guess I should have been doing this in the past. This topic is similar to gun laws, we do not need new laws, we need to enforce existing ones. The division should give a stronger pentalty for those that cause the problems, make an example of them. This is like the few idiots that poached bucks in southern Utah, hung the deer heads in the top of trees until they were bleeched and then pulled them off the mountain saying they found them dead. Well, look what that got those who obey the law. When we find a winter or lion kill, we get to leave it for the next guy who will take it home. I am sick and tired of people causing me to lose privileges. I hope I didn't bore you, but I could not keep quiet on this topic. This is the first time I have responded to anything on monstermuleys, but I read it all the time. My work has kept me busy latley and it was only a week ago when I heard about the restrictions up north. I hope we can do something about it.