I am a SASQUATCH lover !!!!!

  • Thread starter Mike Awkismaul (Guest)
  • Start date

Mike Awkismaul (Guest)

I want to start a petition for those of us who have witnessed Sasquatch and for those who believe in him.

So please lets have the results so we can show the hunters on here that he really does exist.

Thank you boys.
Yep, I need to see a carcass as well. By the way, how come all the guys out there who are carrying guns (ie. hunting) never seem to see a nine foot hairy person-looking thing running around?
Oh yeah, and what about tracks? Something that big should be leaving some kind of imprint.
Why don't you go into the woods during the sasquatch rut,get down on one knee and pop the question?
Drag his hairy ass out here to Californicate and marry him in SanFrancisco!
You could make a killing selling the video of the consumation and honeymoon!
This topic is killin me!
It must be February......
I think we should ask the houndsmen if they have ever ran into a bigfoot? If they were real those dogs would find them. Send some of that yetti crap to lyon hunter then he could train his dogs to sent yetti.
i thought i saw bigfoot once, but it was just janet reno barefooted. c'mon mike, are you from roswell? have you ever been "abducted", because i know you've been "anal probed".
think maybe a steak,
or rolled rib roast.
tan the hide and hang it on teh wall,
just blow this conversation off,
we all know there ias NO such thing.
or is there?
did you read my post earler?
Bigfoot is real!
Once I did something wrong as a kid and my dad sent his "Bigfoot" right up my rear end.
I dunno about bigfoots but I plan on hunting feral hogs and the area I will be hunting is a state park and does not allow centerfire rifles. I have a sawed-off 20 ga. and a 12 ga. both without scopes or slug barrels and I don't feel comfortable using them as they are not very accurate. I was wondering if a .22 mag with full metal jacket rounds would be enough (I don't like to waste ammo). I believe that shot placement is 90% of a good clean kill. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also does anyone have any recipies for feral hogs?
.22 mag with fmj's is a killer if you shoot em in the head. And you can shoot em from any angle within about 30-40 yards and get a pass through. I have killed literally hundreds of hogs and beef with that round including some real whoppers(500lb hogs). Just plug em where they think. I imagine it would work on bigfeets too.
just a child o' the 60's. plus, last night i was channel surfin' and it said midnight cowboy was gonna be on the IFC. i looked at the description that you can get on the dish and was reminded of his name. figgerd i'd gig ya a little.

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