I altered evolution!


Long Time Member
We have a covey of California Valley Quail that live in the brush on our property and my wife has been feeding them for years. We enjoy watching them and listening to their calls. I've gotten pretty good at mimicking their calls and talking back and forth with them, especially when I'm out dinking around in our detatched garage. It's a three note call with the emphasis on the second note. Kind of like, cha-KEY-ta. I'm sure you've all heard it. I started goofing around and put the emphasis on the first note. CHA-key-ta. I never thought much of it.

Well I must have done that too much, or did it when this years hatch was vulnerable because several of them call just like that now! Even the tone is an exact match to mine!

My wife gets mad and says I ruined them, but it cracks me up when I hear them!

Great.......now you've created a whole new group of immigrants that have distorted the accepted language. Nice.

On top of that, now you will be responsible for providing shelter and food for these ........well, you can see what happens.
Holy Crabs, Eel!
Do you realize what you've done!!!

Cool to have the Quail on your property, I'll bet, regardless of how you've tainted your Wife and them for your own enjoyment.


Now theyll be called a subspecies and placed on the endangered species list.

Is that ethical?
God does not like people dinking around in detached garages!

Evolution does not exit!!! CHA-key-ta... banana...? What's next? You going to teach these California Quail to be PRO gun control and favor same sex marriage?

You are one sick puppy. Please tell me you don't have any children.

EEl learns to speak quail. Next thing ya know he will be scratching for grubs and trying to fly. You learn well.

They could be Tule quail?

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Pretty soon eelgrass will be sitting on the fence post as the watchman on duty and talking his chit for those feeding on the ground.

Now you see what happens when you live in the far north part of Kali and nothing better to do with your spare time.

Gee, I have a whole lot of Turkeys up on the hill not far away that I hear every morning, maybe I should learn to talk to them.

eel how much for a permit???

When is the season and whats the limit??

After a good day of hunting we could turn the garage into a lodge. Lots of potential there.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-09 AT 08:35AM (MST)[p]Valley Quail are fun to hunt and i've shot many hundreds in my day but if i had them around my house, i do, i'd do everything i could to see that they remain unhunted. The yard quail here remain a bit skittish, from the danger of cats i suppose, but they come to feed well and just are very interesting as well as beautiful birds to observe.

After flushing a large covey when hunting, I call to them with my Cha-kaaa-ta imitation and often they will give away their location, by return calls, usually from way on the other side of a very deep brush choked canyon. :) Got to love it and they do make a tasty dish to share with friends.

My Valley Quail make this sound Chi-ca-go which really pisses me off so I shoot them. Anything Chicago or Illinois pisses me off.


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