I-15 Speed Limit


Active Member
I was driving down I-15 yesterday, and once again wondered what it takes to get pulled over for speeding on that road. I was traveling south past pt of the mt in the carpool lane, had cruise set @ 73, and I swear the slow lane was going at least 5 miles an hour faster than I was. Seems to me if you're not doin 80 your're gonna get your a#$ run over.
Hmmmmm... Maybe your speedometer cable is a bit too fast... Have you changed the size of your tires recently? If you go down a size then your speedometer will read a little fast.

One thing I do know... If you are going with the flow of traffic you will not get pulled over but if you are irratic you will get pulled over. They can't pull over every speeder if everyone speeds but sudden lane changes or aggression needs to be taken off of the road. The speed limit is set at 65 to maximize fuel economy more than it is for safety. Most cars are geared to reach their maximum fuel economy at between 49 and 66 miles per hour. Speed limits are enviromental.

It wouldn't surprise me if the EPA gained authority soon to start distributing fines and tickets on our roadways.
You should try to drive the speed limit North of Ogden.. it is 75mph and I think everyone is doing around 85-90mph.. you have to stay in the slow lane behind the big trucks and do at least 80 or you will be run over...
Well with the new law that will get you a ticket if you get passed on the right... you damn well better be going faster than any traffic on your passenger side.

When we roll in the mornings I usually hover around 80mph but if I'm leading the pack I'll step it up to 85 until I catch up with any slower traffic, this of course in the HOV lane.
The HOV lane is for faster traffic, right?

Makes no sense to occupy the HOV if you're going slower than the flow of traffic. Didn't Utah just pass an anti-impeding traffic law?
>The HOV lane is for faster
>traffic, right?
>Makes no sense to occupy the
>HOV if you're going slower
>than the flow of traffic.
> Didn't Utah just pass
>an anti-impeding traffic law?

Yes which brings up a question to our peace officers that visit here: Can 1 law force you to break another? I mean say I'm going the legal speed limit in the HOV but traffic in the 3rd (ie fast) lane is going faster than me... by speeding up I would be breaking the law but being past on the right is also breaking the law. This is happens alot where you cant just "get over" due to the double line which is illegal to drive over.

Always wondered about that, we debate it about every week when carpooling.

I'd be willing to bet you would win that one in court if you were being passed on the right and got a ticket. I've never seen the impeding traffic law enforced in any state that has it.

It's Bush's fault!!!
You guys are lucky! I seem to hit the 15 when its doing around 25 mph :(

Kraut's have it figured out, the only way you get a ticket on the Autoban is for driving too slow in the left lane. Always told my wife if I was arrested for murder it would be because some 17 year old blond chick on a cell phone passed me in the right lane then switched to the left and slowed way down. BOOM!!! "Officer, this is justifiable homicide"

Side note: I commuted 100mi a day for 15 years on I15. I've seen it all!



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